
School-Yes is this Mr. King, Brianna King's father?

Me-Yes it is.

School-I'm calling because we need you to come in for a parent meeting with each of her teachers. I'm not sure if you have received her grades yet but they have all slipped really low. She has been sleeping through classes, she has been skipping classes, and she doesn't pay attention. She's never focused in class and her teachers are concerned. Are you able to come in tomorrow?

Me-Yes I can. What time?


Me-Okay I'll be there.

School-Okay we'll see you tomorrow. Bye.


I hung up and then walked into Bri's room.

She was sleep.

I went over to her and shook her shoulder.

Me-Wake up Brianna.

"Leave me alone", she mumbled.

I shook her one more time.

Me-Get yo ass up now Brianna.

She still didn't move.

I pulled the covers off of her. She tried to pull them back up but I popped the back of her thigh a couple times. She jumped up.


His Unknown DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now