Chapter 6

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I was nervous. How was I going to compete with the fourteen year olds who have been learning magic for three years? Granted I knew the spells from the books which was always a start. But the fact I was 18, far too old to be attending Hogwarts. It would be noticeable I was sure.
I had lain awake most of the night. Would I be sorted? Would Dumbledore do it or would I be subjected to a first year one?  There were so many things I wanted to ask him, but didn't think of at the time.

" Molly, I'm scared. I'm nervous. What if they all notice straight away. What if I fail?"
"Layla, you are a strong young woman." She said, patting my back affectionately. "You are clearly someone who when they set their mind to something accomplish it no matter what." I nodded. "Then you will be fine."
I glanced at her again as we headed to Gringotts and afterwards after we had received money from the fund Dumbledore had set up for me.
"Molly, you don't have to worry about buying my things. Focus on your children. I can get my own."
She stared at me. "How did you-?"
"I'm good at reading people." I responded. It was true. I was good at reading people.
She went quiet until we reached Some of the shops. "Are you afraid about Hogwarts?" She almost whispered.
"Yes. They've been learning for three years. I'm going to be a fake that they will find out quicker than Dumbledore would hope." I sighed softly.
"You have Moony, myself and My elder sons. We will tutor you." She said. And I felt a weight lift from my shoulders.
"Thank you." I said softly.
"Least I can do. If what Dumbledore says will happen we all need to be prepared, if there is a war we want you to succeed. We want the war to be over." My heart wrenched. My smile must have faltered.
"What is it?" She asked.
My mouth opened and closed like a goldfish. I couldn't tell him that her son wouldn't see the end of the war. I couldn't! I was resolved there and then. Remus, Sirius, Tonks and Fred would live. Or my name wasn't Drake. We had managed to grab her families things and Molly came with me to Ollivanders, who was quite taken back to see her for my wand. Ollivander was great. He greeted Molly "Hello Molly." Then nodded at me. "Is she yours?"
"My houseguest." Molly responded. She smiled at me. " A rare find from Albus Dumbledore in the Irish highlands."
Ollivander did not look at all surprised and merely measured my right arm. Disappeared into the back of the shop, carrying a number of boxes.

I felt really bad. We still had-not found my wand. And they were starting to pile up on his desk.
"I'm so sorry." I whispered, my accent adding the lilt to my voice.
"Very curious. No matter my dear. Your wand is here." A thought passed over his face and he disappeared into the dark storage room, emerging with a box that was an inch thick with dust. "I wonder." He added pulling it out and handing it to me. I took it and immediately felt a warmth tingle my finger tips.
"That is curious." Ollivander muttered as I handed the money over.
"Sorry sir, what's curious?" I asked.
"I remember every wand I have ever sold." Ollivander began. "This one has been sitting in my storage room for ages, it shared a core with a very powerful sorcerer and I wondered when it would choose its owner." I looked down at the wand in my hand, turning it over and seeing the intricate Celtic design on the back. I had seen that somewhere but where?
"Obviously meant for you." Molly whispered noticing the design.

We then went to the owl emporium, right away one flew to my shoulder and would not get off despite coaxing.
I walked out with her feeling as though it was meant to be that I had found her. I was going to call her Nimueue, I loved the Arthurian Legend. Her small tawny wings were almost the colour of autumn leaves and her bright unusual blue eyes made me think of water, just like the lady of the lake. She was perfect and we headed back to The Burrow.

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