Thirteen: Happy birthday! part two

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Cody's POV

                                     I wish Bella was here but she wasn't. it's my birthday and i wanted to spend it with Bella but i can't. it's been 7 months since i last saw her. i miss her. but i put a fake smile on my face and went through with the day. I was in the pool when i saw Jake talking to Holland and little Dylan. little Dylan saw and came in with me. "Whats up bra?" he smiled. "Trust me your gonna be glad for what i'm gonna do. follow me." i  got out of the pool with him and we stood in front of Holland and Jake. "what am i looking at." Jake smiled. "Look above my shoulder then at the Carver twins. what do you see?" i looked over his shoulders then at max and Charlie. i saw a little being between then. when i looked closer i couldn't believe my eyes. it was Bella. she was here. i looked at Sprayberry. "Me and Dakota set it up." i hugged him. "Your now my favorite child." Jake looked at me. "Go get your girl back bro."

Bella's POV

                      Ok i was a little glad that i was here. i was having a good time. but i was starving. i knew i couldn't eat anything but i haven't eaten anything in at least a month and a half. i live off of protein shake and smoothies. me and the Carver twins were talking when i heard the voice. "Bella?" i turned around and saw Cody. i knew i had to talk to him. "Can we talk?" i nodded and he grabbed my hand and took me inside. he looked at me. "Talia forced herself at me. I was just trying to resolve a situation with you. i didn't know what was Talia's plan until after you left. i shouldn't have handled us the way i did but when you left it tore me apart. me being without you made me realize how much i really need you. i love you Bella. i need you in my life. your the reason why i wake up and the reason why i go to bed at night because if i don't have you. i would be lost. these past seven months I've been lost. i need you Bella. please come back to me." "Sprayberry was right." i was confused. "What was he right about?" "he would be my favorite after me being here for a while." she came up to me and kissed me.  when we pulled away we both had true smiles on our faces. "I needed you to. badly." my stomach growled. he looked at me. "When was the last time you've eaten?" "This mourning." he knew i was lying because he gave me the 'really' look. "Ok the last time i ate was a month and a half ago at Colbies birthday. i ate like a slice of pizza. but the last time i ate a full meal was ate Christmas." he looked at me wide eyed. "Your lucky your not in a hospital right now. when we get out there we're getting you something to eat. and i'm hungry to." i giggled. "Fine anything for the birthday man. but you know what i want for dessert tonight?" He smirked. "What?" "You." i walked outside leaving him by himself. i walked out and went to Jake. "well well well. looks like my best friend has gotten a good taste." he laughed. "It's good to have you back Belles." i smiled. Cody came and wrapped his arms around my waist. "yes. yes it is. and i have my baby girl back." he kissed my cheek and i smiled. "It looks like the couple is back together." I nodded. "Yeah we are. and we need to post it on social media because we know what happened last time." Cody nodded and took a picture of us and said. "got it." i smiled. "Your on top of things." My stomach growled again. Cody chuckled. "i am but we gotta feed that monster that's been growing in there since Christmas." He took me over and got us food. This was gonna be fun.

After the party and at home


                         I remembered that i had some lingerie i had bought for Cody so i put it on. it was a dark red two piece and i put on red lipstick and my red heels to finish the look but i put a robe on over it just to make him wait. I  got out of the bathroom to see him on his phone in nothing but his shorts and boxers. he wasn't paying attention so i sat on the edge of the bed and put a hand on his bare chest. "Babe can you look at me." he still looked at his phone when he talked to me. "Princess I'm about to do a birthday live video on instagram." i smirked. perfect. "Ok i'll just do whatever." he nodded and started the live video. "Hey guys i just wanted to come on here and say Thank yo-" i had his pants off and i was stroking his long length. "I just wanted to say thank you for all the birthday wishes i got today. it meant alot

o me so thank you." he was starting to stutter because i had his dick in my mouth now and bobbing my head up and down. After a few minutes i could tell he was gonna cum any minute. "Uhhh guys i just wanted to come on her and say thank you so yeah bye guys." he tossed his phone after ending the live and grabbed the sheets. Just before he was about to cum i took my mouth off and walked to the door. "nonononono." Cody picked me up and dropped me on the bed. he climbed on top of me and trapped me there between his legs. "Where do you think your going." i giggled. "Well you wouldn't pay attention to me when i was gonna give you your birthday present so i gave you a tease. but now here we are and in your eyes i can tell your ready for your birthday present." he smirked. "What's my present?" "Take off my robe and see." I kissed him and it got heated really fast. He pulled the string to the robe and when it came off my body he smiled at my red lace bra and undies. "Damn you know red is my favorite color." i nodded. "And you get your way tonight." "Wait if i get my way. close your eyes." i did what he said and closed them. he got up and i could tell he was grabbing something. next thing i know i was getting tied up and something was put over my eyes. he took of my underwear and i think that's what he put in my mouth. "Can't have Little Jakey hear us." i wanted to laugh but i couldn't because the next thing i knew was that his tongue was on my clit. i moaned and moaned until i knew i was gonna cum any minute now. he added two fingers into me and that sent me over the edge. he made his way up and kissed my neck as his dick went in me and boy was he big. i think he got bigger. He groaned with everythrust and i moaned to but i hated that i couldn't touch him and i also though it was hot and he knew that. i knew tonight neither of us were gonna get some sleep

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