"Callie, Sweetie it's ok. Stef and I don't need a piece of paper to prove our love and commitment to each other".

"But if she asked you would you say yes?"


Stef was a complete mess especially after receiving a text from Callie. She loved how excited all of the kids were and especially that they were able to keep a secret for so long. Stef, Mariana, and Jude have been in the jewelers for what seemed like hours. Stef had a custom made engagement ring made for Lena and now that it was complete she was double checking every little detail.

It was a beautiful 14K white/rose gold round free form diamond engagement ring. But then Stef had them incorporate each of the kids' birthstones along the bands intermingling with the other diamonds. She had "My Love" in graved on the inside. But now she was second guessing it a little.

"No it's perfect," Mariana squealed.

"Yeah Mom. The two colors remind me of you and Mama". Jude didn't even realized what he said as he gushed over the ring with Mariana. But Stef heard it. The first time he referred to her and Lena as his moms. She bent down and hugged them both. She wanted to call Lena so bad in this moment but explaining what triggered it would definitely ruin the surprise.

Shaking her from her thoughts, Mariana began to go over the details as Stef meticulously watched the women wrap up her ring.

"So right now Callie is home helping Mama cook. She was able to convince her to get dressed up so we have to too". Stef playfully rolled her eyes as they began to walk. "I helped Callie decorate the back yard before we left. Mama just thinks that we are having an early celebration for Callie and Jude".

Stef's nerves are back again. It's not that she is apprehensive about proposing. She is just worried about Lena's feelings towards it. She knows that her and Lena are madly in love with each other. And she couldn't even imagine spending her life with anyone else. But Lena has been down this road before and she doesn't know if the whole idea of being engaged to someone again has horrified her.

"When should I pop the question? Should I get down on one knee?"

"Yes! Definitely one knee" Mariana said without hesitation.

"But the timing is all you mom. We will just follow your lead".


Later that evening everyone began to make their way outside. Stef helped guide Lena outside. There was a bullet fragment that the doctors initially left in her leg for safety reasons. But it began to stray so Lena had to go back in for an emergency surgery. So the cane was back but she was doing a lot better.

When she walked outside she was shocked to see her parents along with Stef's mom who ran up to hug everyone. "what are you guys doing here?" She asked smiling at the unexpected surprise. "Tomorrow is a big day. You didn't think that we would miss gaining two more grandchildren did you?" But they all knew what was really about to take place that evening for Stef had already called and talked to them.

Callie took pictures of everything and everyone, with the camera that Stef got for her has an early gift, as they exchanged hugs before they all sat down at the table. Callie sat down next to Stef who reached over and hugged her and kissed the top of her head. "How are you doing sweets?"

"I'm great Mom".

Stef thought her heart stopped for a moment. She knew that Jude would be the first to call her mom but didn't think that Callie would so soon. But she was ok with that. But the amount of love she felt in that moment was almost surreal. She looked across at Lena who faintly heard the exchange, and couldn't imagine a better life.

Jude sat by Lena as Mariana chatted with he grandparents. "Mama, how was physical therapy?" Slightly taken back Lena almost forgot to respond as she now understood the look she saw on Stef's face just moments before.

"It went great, Bud. Callie, want to help me show them what we accomplished today?"

Callie smiled as she jumped up and walked over to the door, but not before gently tapping Stef's shoulder and giving her a look. Stef went to help Lena stand when she saw her trying to stand. She caught Callie's hint and knew that this must be a good time. Jude and Mariana jumped up and stood by Stef as Lena handed her her cane.

"Honey, are you ok?" Stef began to panic as she saw Lena begin to take her first steps. She just turned and smiled at her before returning her focus. She started of shaky at first but after the first few steps she was at a more confident stride. "Come on Mama you got it!" The kids cheered as they jumped up and down as the grandparents watched in amazement. Stef couldn't be more proud. This was the first time she saw Lena successfully walk across a room on her own since she was shot.

Stef began to quietly walk up behind her as she looked around at her family, she knew that this was what she was craving her entire life. When Lena looked up at Callie she saw tears in her eyes but not for the reason she thought. Callie pointed for her to turn around and when she did she almost fell to the ground. Stef was knelt down on one knee with Jude and Mariana doing the same right behind her. She turned behind her to look at Callie who knelt down on one knee as well, beaming from ear to ear. When she saw her parents crying and smiling she knew that they were here for reasons besides the kids' adoption.


"Before you came along I couldn't find the meaning of my life. I felt like I was just existing. There always was something missing but no matter how much I tried I couldn't find the missing pieces. Then we bumped into each other. The moment you were about to walk away before I even knew your name I knew that I couldn't just let you walk away. It was like you carried the punch of fate with you. And it hit me hard. In that small exchange I swear I knew that you were an angel. From that exact moment I knew that you were my angel. You've always said I saved you and I helped you. Though I will dedicate my life to protect you as well as our children; you all saved me. You brought so much joy, and happiness, and love into my life. You and our beautiful children have made my life and heart so full. I don't know if I will ever be able to show my gratitude to you all. I never dreamed of my life being so perfect and it was only because I needed to meet you to really know what perfect is. There is nothing more in my life that I need other than to have you as my wife. So, Lena Elizabeth Adams will you marry me?"

Lena almost couldn't find her words as she sobbed looking at Stef. Since the moment she met Stef she knew that she wanted to keep Stef in her life forever. Though she knew that they didn't need to be married for that to happen, she was being happy to know that it was the cherry on top of her life.



"Yes! I will marry you".

Stef stood up after placing the ring on her finger and spun her around. Everyone cried and embraced each other. This family has produced so much love and encouragement and hope; enough so that will last way longer than a lifetime. 

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