☏ disconnected?

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   Michael and his friends were severely blitzed that night. They had five drinks – yet they were not contented, they want to have some fun. His friends dared him to prank call somebody. Michael didn’t have an idea who to call, and then, his friends dialed 911. He knew it was a crime, he could go into jail, but he didn’t care, he was a little bit drunk and thirsty for fun. He put it into speaker phone, leaving his friends break whatever furniture they can.

Avalon: 911, what’s your emergency?

Michael: I brok-

At the background, they both heard crashing sounds.

Avalon: Sir, what was that? Are you okay?

Michael: Uh, wait. Hold that thought.

He later on shouted, FUCK OFF!, to his friends. Leaving Avalon confused, waiting for him to return.

Michael: Oh sorry, that was my friend.

Avalon: Is everything alright? What’s the matter?

Michael: I need a friend.

Avalon: I’m sorry, sir. I can help you, if it was an actual emergency.

Michael: You asked me what’s the matter and I told you, I need a friend.

Avalon: I wish I could help you but I have a job to do.

Michael: You can’t hang up.

Avalon: I know, sir. So, can you please tell me what the emergency is?

Michael: Just please, give me . . . time.

Avalon: I have a job to do.

Michael: And your job is to help me.

After 15 minutes of their endless bickering, Michael’s friends were still intoxicated, singing overrated songs. She knew every 911 conversations were recorded, either way; she can’t hang up unless the other line would.

Michael: So . . . What’s your name?

Avalon: Avalon, sir.

Michael: My name isn’t sir. I’m Michael.

Avalon: Okay, Hi. Michael.

Michael: You have a really nice voice. Is that the reason why you chose this kind of job?

Avalon: No, sir. I chose this because I wanted to, not because I have a nice voice.

Michael: Interesting. I’m in a band. Wait, why did you call me, sir?

Avalon: It’s my job to respect people. [her voice sounded so fake] Congratulations, how was your gig?

Michael: Well, if you really do respect me, call me Michael. That is my name. And nah, we don’t do gigs. We only play in our garage.

Avalon: Um. Okay?

She wanted to hang up, but she can’t, she would lose her job.

Michael: Knock, knock.

Oh no, She thought. Here comes the lame joke.

Avalon: Come in.

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