Chapter 5 : Family Time and A New Guy's Appeared!?

Start from the beginning

Back to our favorite boss, Tsuna is debating in his head, must he summon his flame? He only had Sky and Oath flames... as for the other 6 of sky flame, he haven't learnt to control it yet. After his internal debate, a hand gave him an indigo colored ring and it had a note attached on it.

'This is from our stupid boss. Use it wisely. -Squalo.'

Then Tsuna looking to a familiar shark man who leans on the wall near the door with a smirk, Tsuna just nodded and the man or Squalo in disguise using mist ring is walked out from that place. Tsuna wears the ring on his left middle finger as his name called by the teacher. He closed his eyes and summoned his sky flame, but his flame now... no longer orange colored flame but indigo colored one.

All of the students are gaping at Tsuna's large amount of flames. The teacher signaled Tsuna with a nod and Tsuna's flame vanished.

"Ok, that was indeed a beautiful mist flame, Sawada-san."

"Thank you, sensei..."

"Alright, the class's over. All of you can go home now."


"Where's that chibi boss?" said Xanxus to no one.

He spends his precious 3 hours waiting for Tsuna or a boss that he nicknamed as Chibi Boss. A vein pooped on Xanxus forehead and he take a shot of wine for only God and him knows about how much shots he drank... As Xanxus almost throwing the glass on the floor, Tsuna's office door opened and a brunette walked into the office.

"Took you long enough, chibi trash."

"*sigh* Seems like you'll never get rid of chibi boss or chibi trash nicknames for me... Crazy old uncle." Said Tsuna with his bored look directed to Xanxus. Xanxus just snorted and continued to drink his wine again.

"The truth is you are short... Because you're not an ordinary trash, I nicknamed you chibi trash."

"You know that you'll never get drunk because of your Sky flame, right?" said Tsuna who already sits in front of Xanxus and he began to pours a glass of wine for himself.

"Hey, chibi... you're still 16, it's not legal." Said Xanxus.

"I'm the boss, I had Sky flame and in mafia everything's legal, old man." Said Tsuna while Xanxus smirked at Tsuna's statement, indeed their Sky flame will neutralize the alcohol and they'll never get drunk.

'He surely already got rid of his useless and no good personality of his. Last time we met, he still had a bit useless pathetic personality of his...'

They just sit there enjoying each other company. Although they're a family, they're rarely seeing each other... Every time they meet, usually Xanxus's guardians always had a fight with Tsuna's guardians. Not that they're hate each other, but it just like a tradition of them while they're meet each other.

"So, you come to my school just to drink all of my wine here?"

"No, just wanted to spend my time with my nephew." Said Xanxus.

"Is that the reason why you stay here and sent Squalo back to your mansion alone?"

Xanxus just stay quiet, not saying anything. He just look at a little heart shaped red box in his right hand. Tsuna sighed for the -th time today. He knows the reason why Xanxus want to see him today, it's because of certain beautiful maid back in Varia mansion.

"Just tell me that you need my intuition to help you... It's about Felicia-san, right?"

Xanxus closed his eyes as if he already predicted about this.

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