Kara's prove

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i was dancing with Alex when i saw Lena's eyes and smile start to dull i know what shes thinking but i can't tell them it took them so long just to except her as my friend I can't imagine telling them that she's my girlfriend. Eliza would flip same as Alex they wouldn't approve of her.
Not even because shes a girl but because she's a luther. I get angry thinking about it cuz she's not even Luther by Blood she was adopted just like me.

" hey Alex don't you have to get ready for your case with Maggie at 8"

" oh yeah I totally forgot about thanks Kara by"

" oh yeah by Lena"
Lena just smiled and nodded as Alex walked through the door I want to go sit with her she still looked un easy. The best I could do was just sit there and hug her.

"Do you know you want to watch Tarzan I know that always Cheers you up"

"Yeah" she said with enthusiasm in your voice
I know it some point we're going to have to talk about it but right now I
just want to watch Tarzan eat popcorn and potstickers and go to bed. I could tell Lena does too cuz she's laying down next to me and my side smiling like a complete idiotm

Sorry about the late update I had loads of homework I have EQAO coming up so math is pretty much beating me up right now😁😁😁 also Holstein is coming soon and until next time stay awesome possums

Yeah I stole that Rachel Ballinger's quaking

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