Chapter 6

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When he opened his eyes the next morning, he sat up with a start. Yesterday really happened, right? Or was he starting to imagine crazy stuff? His eyes fell on his boxers on the floor, his chest still felt a bit sticky and he came to the conclusion that yes, last night he had jerked off in record time after having the most amazing kiss with his favourite asshole. There were definitely too many emotions racing through him- bliss, astonishment, embarrassment but also anxiety and uncertainty of how to face him now, and what was coming next? Most important, he didn't anyone to know about this new.... development. He was pulled out of his thoughts by his mom, knocking on his door.

"Mo Guan Shan, get up! Do I have to wake you every morning like a fifth-grader? It's not good to work so late for school!" He sighed deeply and got up.

Mo Guan Shan was sure he never felt so nervous on his way to school. He barely ate breakfast and felt slightly nauseous. Apparently, he didn't look too good, because his classmate seemed worried.

"Are you alright? You look a bit green in the face. Maybe you should go to the infirmary."

Mo Guan Shan snapped back. "What's it to you? I'm feeling fucking fine and this is none of your fucking business!"

The girl's eyes widened in shock, and Mo Guan Shan felt a little bit better, so he still had at least enough of a dick to scare off nosy girls.

In his lunch break, he tried not to pay attention to He Tian, which was of course impossible- the fucker was standing there in all his glory, surrounded by a bunch of pretty and not so pretty girls. "What's your favourite band?" "Do you like rather dogs or cats?" "You can play basketball so well- you have to teach us sometimes!" He Tian was answering all questions with an easy smile, nice enough to make their cheeks blush but too cool to be really flirting. It was ridiculous and Mo Guan Shan found himself growing more and more irritated. There was a sudden sensation of pride when he realized that He Tian had given him last night what all those boring bitches probably would kill for- and he didn't even had to ask for it. This felt kinda good, and a small smile crossed his face. When he looked up, he found He Tian's gaze on him. He grinned widely and winked at him in such a suggesting way that Mo Guan Shan sputtered his drink, his face almost the same reddish colour as his hair. Damn, that bastard!

After school He Tian waited for him at the gate. It was raining heavily, and in his dazed state this morning Mo Guan Shan had forgotten his umbrella. He Tian called him.

"Oi, Red! Come under my umbrella!"

Mo Guan Shan eyed him for a second, not sure what to do. Fuck, even after something like that, this dickhead was cool as hell! It was just not fair! Mo Guan Shan knew he was soaked already and if he didn't want to catch a cold, it was the best to just accept the offer.

"Being the generous asshole today?" he mumbled and stepped over.

He Tian beamed at him and held his umbrella over their heads. They were walking close, and every now and then, their arms touched, sending something like sparks through his body. His mouth was dry and he couldn't think of anything to say, so he just tried to calm himself down and be not so fucking nervous.

"Uhm, where are we heading?" Mo Guan Shan asked when he realized that this was definitely not the way to his home.

"We're going to my place, of course. You know, somebody still has to cook dinner, and there are some vegetables left that I put in the fridge yesterday."

He Tian looked at Mo Guan Shan, and there was a smirk on his face, but not a really bad one. Mo Guan Shan swallowed, which was hard because there seemed to be not a drop of spit left in his mouth. They were going to his place? What the fuck? What if- other stuff would happen? He had absolutely no fucking idea what was going on in this damn head of He Tian's and that made him uneasy and insecure. On the other hand, not seeing trough the poker face had played out pretty well for him yesterday, so he decided to act according their roles- He Tian ordering, he following.

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