Rouge - Chapter Twenty-Nine

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“Hunter?” Eli blinked in surprise when she knocked on his door twenty minutes later. “What are you-”

“Can I stay here?” she asked, not meeting his eyes. “I have nowhere else to go.”

Eli stepped aside without hesitation. “You don’t even have to ask.”


He took her bag and they went upstairs to his bedroom.

“No one home?” she asked.

“Dad and Melissa are out for the weekend. They get back Tuesday.” He dropped her bag beside his neatly made bed and turned to her. He wore a gray sweater and jeans, appearing fresher than usual. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” she nodded, even though he could clearly see through her lies. There was so much to tell him. He didn’t know half of the shit going on in her life. How hurt will he be when he finds out what I can do? That the fire on his bed was because of me, that I saved Miss Smart, that Joshua is crazy and infected by my powers. I can’t tell him, he’ll never forgive me.

Eli watched her carefully for a long moment before pulling her into his arms. She buried her head against his chest, feeling the guilt slowly seep away. Eli had a gift too; he could make her feel like she was completely normal even when life was hell.

“Whatever it is, you can tell me when you’re ready,” he said. Hunter thought of Jack, how he’d said the exact same thing the other morning. Did Jack know? There was so much to think about, and so much worry swirling in her mind that she was getting a headache. She moaned against Eli’s chest, and he pulled away.

“Come on,” he tugged at her hand. “I’ll make you some tea and we can watch a movie.”

“You don’t have anything on tonight?”

“Just a bit of study,” he said, “but that can wait.”

Hunter sighed happily, weaved her fingers into his and let him take her downstairs.

Sure enough, after a night with Eli, Hunter felt considerably better. She still thought of Joshua’s mad scientist tendencies and of Jack and of Miss Smart, who didn’t seem to be getting any better. Not to mention the letter and video left behind by her mother. But Eli numbed the pain and anxiousness. For a time, she could forget it all. She never wanted to leave him.

Hunter yawned against Eli’s shoulder, her eyes drooping shut. Suddenly she was so tired she could hardly keep her eyes open. The movie was lost to her, but the feel of Eli’s arms around her felt like home.

“Sleep time?” he asked softly and switched off the television.

“Yeah,” she mumbled as he helped her to her feet. “I don’t know why I’m so tired.”

“It’s probably emotional strain. Come on, you can have the guest bedroom across from my room.”

Eli half carried her, half dragged her up the stairs. The quiet house was comforting, and Hunter liked the feel of Eli carrying her. Even if he was nerdy and shy, sometimes she saw a different side of him, a stronger side. Right now, he was this dominant, protective boyfriend who cared. He even tucked her in and took off her shoes. She watched him, some deep part of her wishing he would lay down beside her. His curved arms gently pulled the quilt up over her body and his delicate hands brushed her cheek. She felt small, looking up at his strong features. His eyes gleamed behind his glasses.

“Goodnight Hunter,” he whispered and kissed the top of her forehead with the lightness of a feather. “Sleep well.”

“Wait,” she mumbled, catching his hand. “Stay with me … just for a bit. Please.”

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