"I-I though Posey was your princess.."

"Oh, that's right. You're my queen, Darling. You have me at your feet."


"Thank you so much, Jay." I murmured as I rubbed my belly.

She smiled, not averting her eyes from the road. "You don't have to thank me, Love. I'm gladly there for you. But tell me, how are you feeling?"

I shrugged. "I feel better. She stopped moving.."

She nodded. "I know it's scary, El. I've been there... Four times! Twice with twins!" She exclaimed, causing me to laugh. "Let me tell you now, birth is the worst pain you'll ever experience in your life. But once they give you your baby.. Once you finally look at what you've created, it's all worth it."

I began to get teary eyed. I looked over at her to find that she too was on the verge of tears.

"You and Louis... Oh god.. You just glow, Eleanor." She gushed and wiped her eyes. "And Louis.. I've never seen him happier. This is such a blessing. I just hope you two realize that."

I nodded and wiped my eyes.

She parked the car and fanned herself. "I'm getting all teary eyed and that's no good. C'mon." She said as she unbuckled her seatbelt. "The girls set up the room you're going to stay in."

I nodded and unbuckled my seatbelt. Just as I was about to open my door, Jay was already there. I furrowed my eyebrows at how fast she managed to get from place to place. She took my hand and helped me out of the car. She led me inside the loud and chaotic house.

I started smiling there. I didn't like having a quiet house. So this was a nice change. Phoebe and Daisy quickly ran to me, squealing and laughing. They both touched my belly and talked to it, cooing to my unborn baby girl.

"Girls, leave her alone." Felicite was heard. The twins only looked up at her and made a face at her.

"Go on!" Lottie shouted with a laugh.

The older girls approached me, each holding a baby. I gave them each a half hug, telling them how much I've missed them.

"I'll be back. Doris needs a diaper change." Lottie muttered with a face.

Fizzy laughed and led me to the couch. "So how's the pregnancy?" She asked as she adjusted the baby boy in her arms.

"It's going good. It's such an emotional roller coaster. Especially since Louis is gone." I replied and rested a hand on my belly.

She nodded. "Yeah, I bet. But it's almost over.. You have like a month left, right?"

"Yeah.." I breathed out. "Only a month left."

"Are you scared?" She asked and rocked Ernest in her arms.

I only nodded. I really was scared. Jay told me it was the worst pain in the world, along with the nurses and instructors at those birthing classes. But they had all said it was worth it. I already knew it was worth it. I just wasn't so sure how I'd handle the pain. People said that some ladies got very angry during labor. I didn't want to be mean to Louis, or anyone, really.

"Louis' scared too.." She whispered and sent me a fond smile.

"Yeah? Does he tell you?" I asked softly.

She nodded. "The beginning of this month, he called me. He told me how scared he was. How he hoped he'd be a good father. How he hopes that it all works out. He's terrified, but he's so excited. You can tell by the way he talks about the idea of finally having Posey here so he can finally hold her."

I smiled fondly as I thought about Louis. "He's just.... I'm so lucky I have him, you know? Like, I know he's going to be there for me and Posey. I know it because that's who he is."

"Yeah.. He's such a massive softy and-"

"Fizzy! Mum wants you to take Ernie to the nursery with her and she said I could show Eleanor to the room!" Daisy yelled.

"Daisy! Hush! You're going to scare him!" Fizzy hissed and rolled her eyes before getting up. She sent me one last smile before leaving.

"C'mon." Daisy grinned and walked over to me, taking my hand.

I nodded and slowly pulled myself up. I let out a heavy breath and held my stomach. Posey's weight was beginning to finally tire me out.

Slowly, but surely, we made it to the room that used to belong to Louis. I smiled as I stepped into the room. Daisy quickly sat on the bed.

"This is where you're going to sleep!" She chirped happily. She was so much like her brother. "Do you want to hear a story?" She asked and patted the spot besides her.

"Of course." I replied with a smile before going over to sit by her.

I listened to her begin telling me a story of when her and Phoebe got some new toys. I didn't really pay attention to what she was saying. I was just so amazed by how excited she seemed to be.

I hope Posey is like that.

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