The Entity

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He's close, I can hear my heart beat getting louder and louder as he draws near to me. I hear him pull out his blade and grunt, looking around the area where the soft sounds of the half running generator can be heard in the background. I don't know what to do, i'm not sure if I should move, i'm not sure if I should run away or if I can run away at all.

The coldness of the air nips at my exposed skin as I sit, hiding still and waiting as I see him walking around me. A crow appears from the sky, moving closer to me until it's almost sitting on my head, squawking out loudly, alerting him that I'm near. I try to reach for the bird, I try to take hold of it, to cover its beak so it will stop squawking, to break its neck, anything to keep it from giving him my location.

It's to late, I see him walking to me, he has caught sight of me and now the chance will begin. I sprint as fast as I can, trying to get distance between me and him, trying to keep far away. I run through trees, I run around walls, I drop pallets in front of him to block his way. I turn a corner and I try to hide from him, but he's to smart, he sees me and he slashes his blade against my back, cutting through my skin and muscle like butter and my blood begins to pour out of me like a waterfall.

I scream, even though I have felt this pain so many times, even though I have scars over my whole body, even though this is not my first run, I still scream out in pain as I try and push myself to run faster, to get away from this place.

The chase goes on, but I can feel my body giving up, I can feel myself slowing down, I cant push anymore, and then I feel it again, another slash across my back which causes me to fall to the ground in pain.

I try and crawl, but it is no use as the strong man picks me up and places me on his back and begins to carry me to the hook, the hook where the rest of my teammates met their fate.

I struggle, I feel the fear in my heart, knowing what is going to happen, knowing the pain of being placed on that hook, and knowing that I will slowly bleed out, and I will fade way slowly.

I feel the pain as he pushed me onto the hook, but this time, I do not scream, I do not cry. I am to weak, to broken to cry out, to broken to try and escape so when I see the sky above me open up and I see those claws coming for me, reaching for me like a mother reaches for her child, I let the entity take me.

As I am lifted up I pray to any god that will listen that this time I will die, this time I will fade away and never return, that this pain, this suffering will go away.

I wake up by the camp fire. I can still feel the slight tingles in my back from where his blade slashed me, I can still feel my shoulder burning where I was hooked. I pray for death, but I fear that it will never come, I fear that death will never wrap his thin arms around me, I fear that I will be trapped in this place, and I fear that one day, I will become like them and I will be just another pawn in the entitys twisted game.

I see the others calling out to me. It is time for another round, it is time for another game. Maybe this time we will escape, maybe I will find the hatch, maybe I will die alone in the woods and the monsters search for me, or maybe I will meet a different fate, but this I do not know. As I walk with the others I think of the pain that is to come, I think of how I got here, I think of going home and seeing real people, smelling fresh air that is untainted, and seeing the sun shine bright.

But that is but a dream, and in this work there is a game to play, in this world there is no sun, there is no stars or hopes. In this game, there is only the entity.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2018 ⏰

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