Don't say that I don't know you...

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Connor and I turned around to leave. We stepped outside and I started running towards the direction of home. After a few sprints, my legs had already started shaking. Connor had caught up with me and caught me before I fell to my knees.

"Macy. You okay?" Connor asked, helping me up.

"Not exactly," I said, trying to keep from crying. It was no use. Tears rolled down my face anyway.I looked down. I wanted to hug Connor, but I didn't know if he was open for a hug. He's funny about that sort of thing. So I decided not to.

Connor held my face in his hands and lifted my chin gently.

"I hate seeing you cry. It bothers me that I can't fix what they did." He looked me in the eyes. His eyes were so gorgeous, such a transparent grey.

I could see that Connor was hurt. I could tell that he was heartbroken.

"Connor. I--I'm so sorry that this happened. I knew that Jamie wasn't good for you. But you loved her so much. And after a while, I decided that she was. But I guess that I was wrong. I just wanted you to be happy," I choked up.

Before I knew it, he had his arms wrapped around me.

I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in his chest.

"Macy. You know it's not your fault. I was too blind to see who Jamie really was. I just wish I could have stopped them know. Cheating on us." Connor rested his chin on the top of my head. "I just need you to know that I am here for you. You're not going through it alone. I'll be here every step of the way," he finished.

"Thank you," I whispered.

It felt good to have my best friend back. We had, after all, grown apart during the time that he dated Jamie and I dated Cameron.

Sometimes, I wonder if I was really in love with Connor. But I wanted him to be happy. He had truly loved Jamie. I ended up falling for Cameron and getting hurt. So I need time to heal. And so does Connor, so we'll be there for each other. I thought.

"It's nice to have my best friend back," Connor said. "Now, let's get you home."

It had rained earlier in the day, so Connor had kept his hoodie with him. It started raining again, so he put in on me and I pulled up the hood. It wasn't raining too hard, so Connor's black hair was a little damp. By the time we walked to my house, his hair was drenched and his white My Chemical Romance tee was soaked. He walked me to the door.

"I'll see you later, okay?" he said.

"No, Connor. Stay inside and dry off. Ayden's probably already hanging out with my sister, and my parents like you. We can sit and chat." I said, smiling. Ayden was Connor's older brother and Liz's boyfriend. Connor lived with his brother, as his parents died the year before. Ayden and Liz graduated high school last year.

Ayden threw Connor a towel.

"Aye," Ayden said, laughing at us.

Connor smirked. "Alright. Let's go upstairs. Play some music." He smiled, scratching the back of his neck.

I hung Connor's jacket on a dining room chair and headed upstairs.

Once we got upstairs, we were greeted by my Australian Shepherd, Bailey. She galloped over to Connor, ready to jump on him. I was fixing to stop Bailey, but Connor threw his arms out and Bailey jumped into his arms.

"Just like the old days, eh Bailey?" Connor said, setting Bailey on the floor in the 'studio,' as we called it.

On one side we had a few guitars, the bass, and the keyboard. We usually kept those over to the side so we could use them whenever we needed them. The drums were in front of the piano. We stepped over plenty of cords and made our way to the piano on the other side of the room.

"Ugh. I just need to get away from everything. Forget it all." I plugged my electric guitar into the amp.

I started strumming the first few chords of Turn it Off by Paramore.

"Hey, Connor. You know this one?" I said, winking at him.

We had spent countless hours up here with Cameron and Jamie. I played guitar, Jamie sang, Cameron played bass, and Connor played the drums. We weren't exactly the best together, but it worked. Jamie could sing (sort of) and the rest of us played pretty well.

He sat down at the drums and began to play.

I nodded my head and started singing into the microphone.

I scraped my knees when I was praying

And found a demon in my safest haven, seems like

It's getting harder to believe in anything

You just get lost in all my selfish thoughts

I wanna know what it'd be like

To find perfection in my pride

To see nothing in the light?

Turn it off

In all my spite

In all my spite

I'll turn it off

Connor stopped playing right before the chorus. His jaw dropped.

I stopped, put my guitar down, and stared at him.

"What was that for?!" I exclaimed, running up to him and tackling him. He toppled over and off of the stool, laughing.

I had him pinned down, and Bailey came up to us. She made a little "harrumph" sound and looked at the two of us, confused.

I swung my right leg back and laid down on the floor next to Connor, exhausted.

"Why did you stop playing?" I asked, rolling over to my stomach and wrestling with Bailey.

"I'd never heard you sing before. Jamie isn't exactly amazing, but you--"

"Did it really suck that much?!" I interrupted, laughing.

"No, was beautiful. I was shocked," He said, running a hand through his damp hair.

"Liar," I said, laughing.

"No, I am being freaking serious. You almost made me, like, cry. And you know I don't do the whole crying thing," Connor said, chuckling.

"Why thank you," I replied. "It's nice to be better than Jamie any day," I remarked.

" Hah. Exactly. Macy, what on earth are we going to do about this whole ordeal? There's no way I'm talking to either of them. I'm through with them. it's all over. But, I guess...I'm still hurt. I don't know what to do with myself..."

"Connor. I dont know, but I do know that you'll heal. It'll take time. It may be hard, but you've goit to move on." He looked at me, and I gazed back at him. In some stupid romantic movie, this would have been the perfect moment to kiss him.

Of course, my other dog, the Great Dane, Molly, ended up poking her speckled head in between us.

Crap. Molly just ruined my moment, I thought. Although it probably wouldn't have been a good time to do that anyway.

So we laughed a little and laid there with the dogs for a moment, and Ayden called us downstairs.

"PIZZA!" Ayden yelled. The dogs practically flew downstairs as if they had actually understood what he said, and we followed behind them.

We sat down at the table with Liz. "Oh yeah, by the way, Mom and Dad called and said that they had to leave for a business trip to Tennesee." I rolled my eyes and nodded as I ate my pizza. Molly was under the table at Ayden's feet and Bailey was beside Connor and I.

"They never stay home," I complained.

"So, Macy, Connor. I'm guessing it didn't go too well with Cameron and Jamie, right?" Liz inquired curiously.

I looked at Connor and elbowed him, as to say, Can you just tell them? He nodded and started talking.

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