Well, you sure broke my heart...

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Now to the betrayal. This started about a week after the night of the movies.

After the night at the movies, Cameron completely cut me off. No calls. No texts. It had been two weeks. I didn't want to be too attached, but it was just like he cut me off...out of nowhere. On purpose.

Connor was having the same problem with Jamie. No calls. No texts. Cut off.

So Connor texted me. 

Connor: Hey, Macy. Can you meet me over at Natalie's Cafe?

Me: Yeah, sure. everything alright?

Connor: It's about Jamie. I need to talk to you. -Leaving house on bike right now.

Me: Uhm, okay. Be right there.  

I got my sister, Lexi, to drive me to Natalie's Cafe a few blocks down from our neighborhood. She asked me why I needed to be there so urgently, and I told her Connor needed to talk to me about Jamie. Lexi asked no other questions, but she told me that if it was anything serious I should talk to her later.

I was slightly worried about what was up with Connor and Jamie, but I was also planning to ask Connor about Cameron.

Connor had a serious look on his face. It was too serious for the usual Connor. He began to speak. "Um, Macy... Have you talked to Jamie any lately?"

I nodded in reply. "Nope...wait, is she not talking to you?"

"Yeah, and it's weird. I've tried to get up with her, but she doesn't answer. It's bugging me."

Now I was freaking out inside.

"What the...have you talked to Cameron?" I asked, perplexed.

"No. What in the world is going on, Macy? Do you know?" Connor looked me in the eye, and there was silence for a moment.

"I...don't know. Do you think they're..." Before I could say anything more, Connor was outside on his bike.

"Woah woah woah, wait a second! Where are you going..." I trailed off.

"Cameron's. His parents are on vacation."

"Well, how am I gonna get there? My sister has work in five minutes, and my parents are at the office!" I said.

"Fine. Sit on the handlebars. I got this," Connor replied.

"WHAT?! I can't do that! You'll get us killed! You know every time you try something llike that, it doesn't go as planned."

Before I could protest any further, Connor had picked me up by the waist and put me on the handlebars.

"Excuse me? What are you doing?" I rolled my eyes. "You know, over the three years we've known each other, I have tolerated a lot from you..."

The ride there was pretty bad. He went way too fast. We had to make a turn into oncoming traffic, and I was yelling, while he was laughing. Thankfully, we crossed the road and we were still alive. Soon, we made it to Cameron's, but Connor lost control and we crashed on the lawn before we could stop.

"Dude, that was awesome!"

"Yeah, aside from the fact that we almost DIED!" I punched his arm playfully.

We started up the front porch steps.

Knocked on the door. No reply.

So we checked to see if the door was locked. It wasn't. We opened the door and stepped inside.

What we saw was Jamie and Cameron--kissing.

I couldn't believe it. My best friend and my boyfriend? Seriously? Where had this come from? Had they gotten tired of us? I felt like my heart shattered into a million little pieces. So this is what they had been doing for the past two weeks. Seeing each other. Connor's jaw dropped.

"Jamie?!" Connor exclaimed.

They finally stopped kissing and realized that we were there.

"Connor! Macy, I can explain!" She shouted.

"You know what? I don't need an explanation. It's through. Never talk to me again. Either of you." He pointed to Jamie and back to Cameron.

Cameron was silent. His blonde hair stuck to the beads of sweat on his forehead. His aqua blue eyes looked vacant.

Fighting back tears, I shakily replied. "Listen. Both of you. I never want to see you again. You don't get a second chance. Cameron, I love you. But I can't take this. Six months of being together and this is what we get?"

No reply from Cameron.

"Jamie. I don't want this. I can't take it. I love you, but we can't go on like this, okay?" Connor bit his lip.

He turned around to leave, and Jamie said:

"I love you. And I'm sorry, Connor. Sorry, Macy. I never wanted to do this to you...but he told me that he needed to talk to me one day, and when I got here we just..."

Cameron looked at me one last time. Didn't say anything. Not a word. Not a whisper. Nothing.

"Yeah, thanks for all the pain I'm fixing to go through..." I remarked.

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