I sigh as I carefully and quietly twist the door handle, releasing a small, high-pitched creek when I pull. I open it wide enough to fit the side of my body between the frame and door. I look back at Angela, who stirs just a little at the sound, and I fully step out into the hallway. 

As I walk down the stairs, my hand slides on the rail. I pause, noticing the light to the kitchen is already on.

I also hear some bags and soda cans moving. Continuing with a stealthy walk, I hide behind a wall, just past the living room, and peak at who's entered into the kitchen. All I can see is this person's back and that he-or she-is hunched over in the fridge, wearing a blue shirt. 

I give the air a sniff and realize it's a guy. Guys have a distinct type of scent and so do girls. If it were a girl, I probably wouldn't still be hiding behind the wall. By now my entire body is glued to the wall where he can't see me. I hold my breath, hoping he doesn't catch my scent, and decide to tip-toe back to my room. I have a feeling I do not want to start this interaction.

Please don't see me, please don't see me, please don't see me... I repeat over and over again in my head until finally-

"Hey, there." says a soft, masculine voice. Immediately, I recognize who it is.

Damn it.

I turn to face Darren with a fake smile. There he is, leaning on the counter before the fridge and holding an apple. "Hi, Darren." I say, pursing my lips.

He bites the apple. "What are you and those tight, short-shorts of yours doing down here at midnight?" he says with a smirk. He then proceeds to chew whatever is in his mouth.


"What are you doing here?" I say, crossing my arms.

"Feisty, me likey." Darren smirks.

I sigh and am about to walk away when he holds up his long index finger, telling me to wait before going back upstairs. He swallows and drinks some Coca Cola. "Aren't you the friend of that new girl? What's her name..... Angela something?"

"Why?" I ask suspiciously.

"She's pretty hot." 

"Ugh, seriously? I'm not gonna set you up with her if that's what you were thinking."

I start to walk towards the stairs, but Darren runs and puts his hand on my shoulder, scaring me. I grab his arm and with my vampire strength flip him on his back and twist his wrist. 

"Ow, jeez, someone's been paying attention in battle class." he says through gritted teeth.

"It comes naturally, now what do you want?" I ask harshly. He hesitates for a second and I slightly twist his wrist a little more, also twisting his entire arm. Darren flinches in pain while flexing his well-toned muscles.

"Hey, not so rough!"

In a loud whisper I say, "Sh! Be quiet, people are sleeping!!"

"Do you want me to answer the question, or not?"

"Just answer the question." I demand

"As long as you let me go, I'll ask you."

Slowly, but hesitantly, I let him go. Darren rises to his feet and holds his wrist, moving it in a circular motion. He stands about three inches taller than me.

"Damn, that really hurt... Let's be civilized people tonight, alright?" He pauses, sincerity in his eyes. "All I wanted to know is if the rumors are true..." 

Lifting an eyebrow, "What rumors?" 

"I-is she a... um... seriously? You don't know what I'm talking about?" 

I look at him weirdly for a second. Can I trust him? He looks genuine enough. Besides, who is he going to tell?

Resolve crosses my features as I walk towards the kitchen again, Darren following closely behind. As I open the door to the freezer I say, "Of course I know what you're talking about, she's my best friend." 

I take out the cookie dough ice-cream and close the door. Then I find the ice-cream scoop, a bowl, and a spoon. 

He sits on a stool next to the counter. "Then is it true?"

"Yes, she's half-human, half-vampire." I say while scooping out some ice-cream and placing it in my bowl.

"No, the other things."

I put away the bucket and scoop, then take a seat next to him. He stares at me with his bright blue eyes and says, with the quietest tone, "So she really could be our next ruler? Does she have green eyes?... " and in a whisper, "Is she the daughter of the Queen?"


Hey, guys!! This chapter's kind of short, I'll write more for the next one, and this is my first book on wattpad so please bare with me. C: I have an idea for the plot but it's not set in stone. Sorry if I've made any mistakes or seem like I'm jumping back and forth, I'll try to stick to what I'm going for.

BTW thanks for all the reads!! Even if I had just one, I would still be thanking you! :D Please vote and leave some comments with questions you have or to be critical. CX




I've been going back and reviewing each chapter, I've had this one ready and fixed (for now, I may come back again) for a while now, but I've been occupied with life things. Though, I'm sure you've noticed that I started updating the chapters.  C:

I hope you find them a lot better than when I first wrote them.. If not, let me know!!!

Also: if you have any suggestions, please let me know!!! :D

Love you guys!!!


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