He's Back: Year 4

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"Lord Voldemort was giving him instructions, Cornelius. Those people's deaths were mere by-products of a plan to restore Voldemort to full strength again. The plan succeeded Voldemort has been restored to his body."

Fudge blinked as if he had been slapped, completely and utterly shocked as he stared at Dumbledore. "You-Know-Who... returned? Preposterous. Come now, Dumbledore..."

"As Minerva and Severus have doubtless told you we heard Barty Crouch confess. Under the influence of Veritaserum, he told us how he was smuggled out of Azkaban, and how Voldemort -- learning his continued existence from Bertha Jorkins -- went to free him from his father and used him to capture Harry. The plan worked, I tell you. Crouch has helped Voldemort to return," Dumbledore replied.

"See here, Dumbledore," Fudge smiled slightly, and Amisty felt a strong urge to back away, "you -- you can't seriously believe that. You-Know-Who -- back? Come now, come now... certainly, Crouch may have believed himself to be acting upon You-Know-Who's orders -- but to take the word of a lunatic like that, Dumbledore..."

"When Harry touched the Triwizard Cup tonight, he was transported to Voldemort. He witnessed Lord Voldemort's rebirth. I will explain it all to you if you will step up to my office," Dumbledore replied, glancing over at Harry's bed. "I am afraid I cannot permit you to question Harry tonight."

"You are -- er -- prepared to take Harry's word on this, are you, Dumbledore?" Fudge asked, his gaze flicking to Harry too, voice rising a smidge too much at the end of his question.

Amisty stared at him, her shock and anger translated into Sirius's menacing growl.

He stood, hackles raised and teeth bared.

"Certainly, I believe Harry. I heard Crouch's confession, and I heard Harry's account of what happened after he touched the Triwizard Cup; the two stories make sense, they explain everything that has happened since Bertha Jorkins disappeared last summer," Dumbledore's eyes were blazing, his voice remarkably calm.

"You are prepared to believe that Lord Voldemort has returned, on the word of a lunatic murderer, and a boy who... well..." Fudge trailed off, looking at Harry yet again.

Amisty stared harder, her eyes narrowing.

"You've been reading Rita Skeeter, Mr. Fudge," Harry murmured. Amisty jumped, whirling around to face him. He gave her a slight smile, which she returned, but his eyes were dark.

"And if I have? If I have discovered that you've been keeping certain facts about the boy very quiet? A Parselmouth, eh? And having funny turns all over the place -- " Fudge began, seeming a bit panicked.

"I assume that you are referring to the pains Harry has been experiencing in his scar?" Dumbledore asked, voice cold as his eyebrow raised.

"You admit that he has been having these pains, then? Headaches? Nightmares? Possible -- hallucinations?" Fudge countered.

Dumbledore stepped forward, and Amisty was reminded by how powerful her Headmaster truly was, "Listen to me, Cornelius. Harry is as sane as you or I. That scar upon his forehead has not addled his brains. I believe it hurts him when Lord Voldemort is close by, or feeling particularly murderous."

"You'll forgive me, Dumbledore, but I've never heard of a curse scar acting as an alarm bell before..." Fudge argued.

"Look, I saw Dumbledore come back!" Harry yelled, trying to get up from his bed but Mrs. Weasley shoving him down. "I saw the Death Eaters! I can give you their names! Lucius Malfoy!"

Amisty scowled angrily at the memory of Lucius Malfoy.

"Malfoy was cleared! A very old family -- donations to excellent causes -- " Fudge defended.

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