Prisinor of Chocolate

Start from the beginning

Harry noticed the change of expression on his fathers face. He knew sometimes his father would begin to remember the past and his face would go cloudy with sadness. Then after a few minutes, he would glance around the room and smile to himself and return to normal. Harry didn't know what specifically the man remembered of what brought him out of it but he was happy none the less that his father comes out of it. He truly did love his father and would be nowhere else. He had everything he wanted here. Friends, a father, a nice place to live and goes to a great school and his father teaches him and Draco some regular schooling during the summer.

"Hey Harry, I'm gonna lay down for a little before lunch, give me your broom and I'll put it back for you," Draco said as he reached out for his broom. Harry passed it to him and he then proceeded to walk down the hall to their rooms.

"Harry I need to talk to you about something," Severus said as he made his way to the kitchen. He stole a glance at the clock and found noon was fast approaching.

"What is it dad?"

"I never told you this -I was gonna wait till you were older- but you have a godfather," Severus started out nervously.

"Really? Who is he?" he questioned the older man.

"You already know him," he said, "he was in the papers recently." Harry thought for a moment or two before his face turned to shock.

"Sirius Black," he said as a statement and not a question.

"Yes, that is him. I am telling you this now because he has scheduled a visit with the headmaster to see you this afternoon, preferably around lunch. Don't worry I'll take Draco and do... something for a little while and then come back. But I must warn you, Black and I didn't really get along while in school."

"You two went to school together?"

"He was in my year," Severus told him, "He was one of the most popular of our year, along with your father, Lupin, Pettigrew and your mother."

"What about you?" Harry asked him.

"I was at the very bottom of popularity. Hence, why I was mostly picked on." Severus turned to the stove and began to prepare lunch while Harry sat at the table. He has a godfather, who doesn't like Severus, the man he considers his father. How bad don't they like each other? Was it like him when he was with Pansy? He didn't mind the girl, he just wasn't particularly fond of her. 

At around twelve there came a knock on the door. Severus and Harry had finished eating and Draco was still in bed sleeping -Severus didn't want to disturb him- when the knock sounded. Growing more nervous then what he let on, Severus rose up from the couch and opened the door. Before him stood a man who was only a few inches shorter than him. His wild curly black hair that ran to about his shoulders still looked like it had back in his school days. Harry watched the interaction from his seat on the couch.

"Black," Severus said his voice neutral.

"Snivellus," he replied back. Harry took note of the horrid nickname. Already he didn't like the man.

"Hmm, seems we can't give up childish games now can we?" Severus said his voice laced with sarcasm. Sirius sneered at the man and pushed past him. He glanced around the room before his eyes landed on Harry. He let a big, almost comical, grin spread across his face. "I'll be in my lab if you need me," he said more to Harry then to Black.

When Severus was out of sight Sirius crossed the room and sat in an armchair near the boy. 

"You look identical to your father. Except for your eyes of course. Those eyes are pure Lily," was the first thing he said.

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