Only Him(Chapter 2)[HidaSasoDei]

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"daddy, where are you going?" a small voice echoed, a child's I'm guessing "were going on a mission" a deeper toned voice sounded, but I still couldn't see the source "we'll be back soon Sasori dear" huh? Mom? Dad? I saw them, in their suna shinobi. There running towards the gates "don't worry" I heard a gentle voice, I turned and seen…granny? "they'll be back sooner then you think"




Huh, what am I doing in the hallway of my home in suna? why is it dark again? "curse you" "granny" the little voice, it's whispering. Wait, is that me? Yes, when I was eight! "curse you white fang of konoha" she's…crying


"Danna" Deidara whispered when I woke up. That dream, it always starts at the same point and ends at the same time. It's like my life is on a roundabout. "Danna, you awake?" he whispered softly "yeah, I' awake" I looked out the window across from the bed. He just continued to hug me. I think we just laid there for about twenty minutes before we got breakfast, to my luck, Hidan wasn't awake yet. 

I think it was a good half hour before the rest of the members got up, but no Hidan. For once I actually got a little worried about him, I know he's a late sleeper but it was nearly two o' clock. Deidara got sent on a mission with Tobi, Kakuzu and Zetsu had work to do for the akatsuki funds. It's Saturday so Konan dragged Pein out of the base for groceries and the rest of them were doing this and that, I could hardly remember. Pein forgets that I don't get on with Hidan so me and him were stuck in the base together.

I was sitting on the couch watching TV. It was about three thirty before the silver haired menace emerged from his tomb of weapons. "good morning Pinocchio" he sang. "wrong time zone baka" I answered, even when he's happy he's annoying. He went into the kitchen and continued shouting lyrics of some song. "will you shut up!" I yelled back but he continued. I threw a kunai at him and he shut up. "I'm only singing Pinocchio" he laughed at me "you suck!" I yelled back at him hoping he'd get the message already. He came up behind me and poured a glass of water over my head.

"you suck!" he yelled right into my ear. I grabbed him from his hair and pulled him over the couch, crashing into the coffee table in front of me. "that hurt you fucker!!" "don't yell". he glared at me and I glared back. He grabbed my ankle and pulled me off the couch, my head hit the ground quicker then I thought. Gravity, you hurt me again. "not funny now Pinocchio" he chuckled "I didn't say it was funny, I said don't yell" I just laid on the ground. If I stood up he'd only drag me back down. He went to punch me I stopped it and bent his wrist backwards "I'm sorry, was that meant to do something" he was about to try and bunch me again when Pein and Konan walked in.

"oh come on!" konan dropped her bags at the door. Here comes mom "we leave you alone for a few hours and you start fighting, are you children or S-ranked criminals!" she pull Hidan away from me. "help!" Pein yelled, he was being crushed under about fifteen bags that had just been piled on him by the looks of it. He could take the weight. He was just looking for a way to get Konan's attention away from us.

Hidan ran off back to his room and I got back on the couch. Stupid Hidan. He was annoying as hell. But there's something about him. Something that makes this emptiness go away whenever he's around. He distracts me from it then makes it feel smaller and smaller till it's gone and when he's gone again it comes back.

Deidara and Tobi walked in about half an hour later. "Danna!" he ran and jump on top of me "I barley saw you this morning, un" Tobi fallowed him "Tobi get off me!" Deidara looked like he was going to rip tobi to shreds in a few minutes. "hey Tobi, why don't you go chase the butterflies" I mumbled underneath the two. Deidara was very light, mainly because he had to keep his weight down so he could use those birds to there full extent but Tobi was a hippo in weight. 

To my luck, Tobi jumped off and headed towards the back door. The garden, apart from the fact that it's surrounded by high walls of rock that are way to steep to climb on the outside, even with chakra control, was rather nice. It was originally just a field to train but now it had a pool, tons of trees and a jacuzzi. Why they had those things in there I will never know. Deidara on the other hand lied there with his head buried into my chest. I wrapped my arms around him and he soon fell asleep, so did I.

We both missed dinner so we decided to go out to eat instead. It has been a good while since we were on our own and it was nice to be with him without the others looking over, especially Pein. "how about the Abura de Ageta Raibu this time, Danna? un" we had been walking for a good while in the direction of a local ramen shack when he asked. It had been a while so I agreed. The Abura de Ageta Raibu wasn't a really fancy restaurant but it had something about it that made you remember.

We got there in no time and got out in no time. Only because we were to hungry to talk. We were walking back to the base when I felt raindrops. I didn't mind walking in the rain but Deidara just recovered from a flu and I didn't want him getting sick again anytime soon. I pulled him off the path and into the forest. The colliding branches made a great canopy. We waited for about five minutes and the rain only got heavier and heavier with each minute that past. "Danna" the blond nudged his partner's shoulder "it's past eleven, leader will kill us if we go back this late" eleven? Wow the day had past quickly.

I noticed a small inn through some trees. "we can stay there for the night, I'm not in the mood for a camp out" I grabbed Deidara's hand and pulled him into the direction of the inn. Only us and three other people were here. Two of them worked here and the third looked to old to remember anything, so we were okay. The room we were stuck with was nicer then the building looked.

I started at the ceiling, lost in my own mind. I noticed my life was starting to break the cycle or what happened in my life, that most likely means something big was coming. Like before I came across granny and the pink-haired one, I mistook my shampoo with konan's. I noticed quickly but I was stuck with blue streaks in my hair for a week and got many comments off some of the members asking if I was going scene.

The blond emerged from the bathroom at last. "Danna~" he light voice brought me back to reality at that very moment. I looked and saw the blond standing in the doorway blushing madly; all that covered his body was a shirt and a pair of boxers. He walked over to me and kissed me.

I pulled him down onto the bed, ripping the shirt off him. A moan escaped through his lips when I kissed his neck. The boy is so sensitive. I tore my own cloths off while he was busy trying to keep up. I kissed him rougher, he had to push me away to take in some air. I could tell he wanted it bad, so I gave it to him.

I woke up with Deidara snuggled into my chest in my arms. He was still fast asleep. I held him a little tighter but made sure not to wake him. He looked more fragile then a new born when he was sleeping like this.

Only Him[HidaSasoDei]Where stories live. Discover now