_-*Chapter Four*-_

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     I do not understand friends. They are generally people that are either polar opposite than you, or exactly the same as you. This is where I get confused. You hate anyone that is completely opposite than you, correct? People always tell us to be ourselves so why be friends with someone who acts like you? Okay, now let us move on. Friends are generally people who are supposed to be nice, caring, and supportive people. Not too long ago, I heard two people walk up to each other and hug. Only a minute later, they were cussing each other out like there was no tomorrow! I thought that if you were friends you were supposed to laugh with them, not at them. Lastly, all friendships will end eventually. Let it be death, another person, distance, or other circumstances. The word "friend" itself has the word "end" in it. Such as "hell" in "hello," "good" in "goodbye," and "if" in "life."
     Something forced me to open my eyes. I do not know what caused me to, for it was close to two o'clock in the morning on a Saturday. Then I realized it was my phone.

Over Thinking Guy
2:13 A.M.

I cant sleep

It is close to 2:00 in the morning and you are decidedly texting me.
Why is this what you choose to do?

I told u. I cant sleep.
And im bored.
And I have nothing else planned
Please talk to me.

Now explain to me why I would do that? You have not even told me your name.

My name is fitzgerald

No it's not.

Y do u say that

I say this because no one would ever torture their child with such a name like that. And if so, then you have my most sincere apologies.

U r to true

So then what is your actual name?

Its really trevorwood

That is also a lie.

How do you know

It is the same reason the last one had.

Ur right. Its actually Dylan.

2:26 A.M.


Actually, your name is Jeremiah Attricove.


I simply traced your phone number back  to your information. Leaving me with your name, address, and also your credit card information.
I can trace THAT back to your bank account.
Then I can see your license. Giving me access to your age, height, appearance, and signature.


You actually do not live that far from me either. I am surprised we have not met.

Thats not fair! I dont know all that stuff about u!

You simply don't need to

If you know where I live, then prove it!

Picture Sent


No, I am smart

Please just shut up

You are the one who texted me first, but if you insist, Miah.

     I turned off my phone and silenced it. We had a thirty minute long conversation. I will continuously be confused about this male figure named Jeramiah.
     I drifted off to sleep without a second thought.

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