I am Riley.

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Riley's POV

The Big Apple.

That was where I used to live until my Mom made us move here, California.
She didn't say much about it except it would be 'good for us'.
I didn't want to move though, I everyone back there hated me- they thought I was weird- a geek.

I didn't tell Mom though as she would have shipped me off to Los Angeles sooner. I didn't really care, it was just teasing and besides...I was smarter than them anyway- way smarter.
I probably had an IQ of 180? 158? Idk...just high.

Which makes me a real genius, not like those fake ones in CBS Scorpion.

A/N I actually love Scorpion!! 💕Scorpion belongs to CBS!!

I am in a car right now listening to Say You Won't Let Go by James Arthur- sentimental garbage... Well, maybe it's not garbage but it isn't useful.

The car comes to a stop and we reach Sepulveda High, home of the Chargers. As in, the horse not the device for charging a battery or battery charged equipment.
I was ready.

After Mom told me that nobody knew me and I could be whatever I wanted, I was going to be super smart- I already was smart, so I was going to be...me.

"Bye, honey, have a good day at school!" Rita, my Mom told me.
"Bye Mom, I hope you have a good day too!" I said, walking inside.

When I got inside I was met by a jolly, red haired woman.
"Frankie Gaines? I thought you were already in school- off to class with you!" She yelled.
"Frankie Gaines? Who's that?" I asked, my eyebrows creased.
"Don't play games! Now off to class with you!" She said, "Come on!"
"I'm not Frankie Gaines...whoever that is, I'm Riley Hallow, the transfer." I said.
"Miss Hallow?" She asked.

"Yes, it's me!" I said, wow...this lady must be crazy.
"Well, Miss Hallow, I'm Miss Hough, the headmistress, follow me to your class." The lady, Miss Hough said.
I followed her into a classroom and she introduced me and asked me to tell the class a little bit about yourself, "I am Riley Hallow, I am 16 years old and have a higher IQ than Einstein."

"That's...not possible, Einstein had an IQ of 160 and an average IQ of a 16 year old would be 100-120, if your smart enough." A girl with black hair said, who was in the front.
"Well it is possible...I'll prove it." I said.
"Ok, tell me something about me." She said.
"You have bags under your eyes which come from lack of sleep and you have stress lines...so I assume you have some sort of test today and you want to keep your grades up because, seeing from your cocky attitude- you have straight A's. Also, your pupils dilated when you saw me so, I assume I look like Frankie Gaines, who you know...and...ooohh! You don't like this...Frankie, I know this because of your body language." I said and the girl scoffs.

"That's not true!" She said quickly, scratching her nose.
"Your lying, blood rushes to the centre of our faces when we lie and you scratched your nose...that's the Pinocchio Effect." I said and she shuts up.

"Right, if that's all, make sure you make Riley feel at home at Sepulveda!" Miss Hough said then left, closing the door.
"Miss Hallow, take a seat at the back." The teacher said, ushering me to the very back row where two girls where sitting, one blonde and one...me?!

"Who the hell are you?" I asked what seemed like my identical twin.
"I am Frankie Gaines. Who are you?" Frankie, who looked exactly like me, asked.
"I am Riley, why do you look like me?" I asked.
"I don't know but you'll have to ask my Mom." Frankie said, weird.

I sat beside Frankie and throughout the Science lesson, Frankie and I kept looking at each-other constantly. She looked like me SO MUCH. Except, it was like her face was strained from emotion and her hair was slightly darker than mine, she had a fringe and her hair was straightened while mine didn't have a fringe and was curly.

Frankie's POV

I run an analysis on this...new girl.
Riley Hallow.
Previously lived in New York City.
Has an outstanding IQ of 182.
Daughter of Rita Hallow, widow of Toby Hallow.
Toby Hallow died in a fire accident two years ago.
Riley Hallow's current address is-

"Frankie? The lesson is over!" Dayton Reyes told me.
"Right...Sorry Dayton Reyes- It's just, Riley Hallow looks exactly like me." I said.
"I know, could your Mom have made you look like her?" Dayton asked.
"I don't know, maybe." I responded.

Riley's POV

I had just received my brand new locker and I was loading it up with my books: Geography, Science, Physiology, Chemistry, Math, American History, Chinese, French, Spanish and English.

"Hey Frankie, did you change lockers or something?" A boy asked.

"Why does everyone keep calling me that..." I trailed off as I slammed my locker shut and saw the boy's face, he was smiling ear to ear and he was cute...I guessed, he probably just seemed that way because of his perfectly symmetrical face, it is a fact that people with equally portioned faces are more attractive...that's all.

"Frankie?" He asked again.
"I am not Frankie...I am Riley Hallow." I said.
"Riley huh? Nice try, Frankie." He said.
"I am not Frankie! I am Riley...I'm new here! Just because this random girl looks like me doesn't make her me!" I yelled.
"Woah, sorry Riley..." He said.
"I-I am sorry for raising my voice at you. I find it hard to communicate- my EQ isn't sufficient enough to do so, sorry." I told him.
"It's okay, I'm Cole by the way." Cole said.

"Nice meeting you Cole, see ya around!" I said, walking off.

Cole's POV

"Nice meeting you Cole, see ya around!" Riley said, walking off. I didn't get it, Frankie didn't have two sisters but they looked so identical it was CRAZY.

There was something about Riley though, she was like Frankie but she felt more...real.
I don't know, it was just a thought.


Frankie's POV

"Mom? I have to tell you something." I said and my Mom came down the stairs.
"Yes, what is it Frankie?" Mom asked me.

I stopped for a moment, wondering if I should tell her about Riley Hallow...if I did Mom would think of it as a threat and make us move again.

"Nothing...I just wanted to say Hello." I said, "Hello."
"Hello, Frankie. Are you sure your good?" Mom asked me.
"Yes, never better." I said and Mom went upstairs again, "At least I think so."

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