I looked up to see a man singing and he took his hat off bowing to me before stepping on the railing of the balcony and jumping off landing perfectly as he kept singing. I took a second to study him uncertain and a little frightened. He was tall and thin with skin so pale it seemed white. He had short black hair, red eyes, and pointed ears but what stood out the most was his fangs when he grinned. He wore a black suit and cape as well as a black top hat. In his hand he held a strange cane that had what looked like a bat on the top. He continued singing as he walked closer to me and I took a step back with every step he took.

"But the night"
"She calls me"
"She calls me"
"She calls me"

"She sways in her velvet dress"
"And pulls me toward her in the dark"

He sang in front of me and suddenly disappeared scaring me more and I jumped when I heard him behind me but when I turned around he wasn't there and I spun following his voice but never saw him confusing me. I jumped when he suddenly appeared next to me.

"While the others rest"

He sang as I ran the other direction only for him to appear in front of me again still singing.

"While the others rest"

I watched as he danced a bit before using his cane to knock my book out of my arms causing it to go flying and when it landed the pages shot out of it, scattering over the floor. The strange man went silent as I looked at him terrified and rested his arms on his cane as he smiled at me. I took of running to the doors to escape but they slammed shut and I looked at him as he continued to sing.

"Heed the call the time has come"
"Mothers come she is the night"

I trembled as a red fabric shot out of his cane and wrapped around my arm pulling me to him.

"Come with me to the other side" 

I broke free and tried to get to the doors but the same red fabric shot out and wrapped around my body and lifted me in the air a bit.

"Make the girl in black your bride"

He sang behind me and when I broke free I looked at my clothes to see they had changed and my hair had turned black as well. While I was distracted the fabric from his cane hooked around my waist and I looked back as he began pulling me closer to him while he sang.

"Cause the night"
"She calls me"
"She calls me"
"She calls me"

He sang and I found myself dancing as he used me like a marionette with strings that were attatched to his cane.

"She sways in her velvet dress"
"And pulls me towards her in the dark"
"While the others rest"
"While the others rest"

I eventually became irritated and broke the strings holding me and jumped when he jumped off the balcony he was on and landed behind me. I quickly ran behind a curtain into a different room when he tried to grab me. I ran up a staircase but stopped seeing him at the top and he waved, grinning, as he pulled a lever making the stairs turn into a slide and came after me as I slid down. 

I kept running as he chased me seeming to glide instead of walk and I peaked around a corner quickly moving back when he flew past me. Thinking I lost him I ran until I came across a door and reached out to grab the handle but was stopped when he suddenly grabbed my wrist. I looked at him scared and he shook his finger at me grinning as he started to dance with me. I struggled to keep up since he was so tall and he spun me around before continuing to sing as he dance with me.

"It just seems very strange to me"
"That her quiet lonely streets"
"Are draped in all her mistery"
"Could be so sweet and comforting"

"But the night"
"She calls me"
"She calls me"
"She calls me"

He sang and dipped me to where I saw sunlight coming from under one of the curtains and I thought as he sang before deciding to play along and dance with him seeming to shock him to where I got free and took a couple steps back.

"She sways in her velvet dress"
"And pulls me towards her in the dark"
"While the others rest"
"While the others rest"

He finished singing as he took his cape off and threw his hat across the room stepping closer to me and picking me up after knocking a gargoyle off a desk and setting me on it. I looked at the rope above me that would open the curtain rethinking my decision when leaned over me and ulled his glove off with his teeth. I blushed and gasped when I suddenly felt him undo my corset and slip his hand up the skirt of my dress before I finally got the nerve to push him away making him frown.

"Please stop, I don't want this"

"Relax my dear, I won't harm you"

"Just please stop. I'm scared, I don't even know who you are. Please let me go" I begged and he seemed to think about what I said for a moment.

Duke's p.o.v.

I thought about what the girl said and had to admit that she had a point. When I turned my attention back to her she was watching me waiting for a response and I smiled.

"Alright my dear, I'll stop. However I'm afraid I can't allow you to leave but I promise you'll love it here with me. And as far as introductions go my name is Duke. What is yours my dear?" I asked taking her hand and leading her through the castle.

"My name is Luna, Luna Valentine"

"That's a beautiful name, the perfect name for such a beautiful girl like you" I said making her blush and I grinned. I soon realized how tired she was bcause she fought to keep her eyes open and appeared to be on the verge of collapsing. I chuckled and picked her up ignoring her protests and carried her to one of the rooms and gently placed her on the bed. I smiled seeng how peaceful she looked sleeping and gently brushed some hair out of her face before leaving and quietly closing the door.

"Sleep for now Luna, but know that eventually I will make you mine."

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