Chapter V ↝ Andrea

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Taking a risk and meeting new people is kinda like buying a ticket for the lottery - you either get nothing at all - which obviously sucks - or you end up winning and feeling like the luckiest person alive. If you have ever met any of the players from the Juventus you would most definitely agree with me when I say that meeting them is like winning the jackpot.

After having spent a couple of hours eating and having a good time at the restaurant I went to the bathroom to "powder my nose" before I would leave. In there I actually ended up standing to look at myself in the mirror for quite some time - not in a narcissistic way but in a "boom-I-just-realised-something-way". I know it seems super weird but let me just explain why I had eye contact with myself longer than I have ever had eye contact with anyone else before. 

All you hear in the media is when somebody gets famous how they completely change their appearance, become assholes and often turn into something as arrogant only a footballer could be. I, of course, do not know every famous person in the world but I do know that these ones that I have just spend the last two to three hours with do not possess any of these traits they are said to have. Sure, there might be somebody out there fitting into this profile but not these guys. If somebody could please punch me in the face and tell me how disappointed I should be of myself for believing this to be true about these guys, I would be grateful. 

To defend me a tiny bit I will now present the all too often used phrase "but how should I know?" and let that be my main argument against you thinking I am a big dickhead. When I worked in Frosinone Calcio we did not really have anybody that was as famous as the Juve-players are. Even though they might be famous in our hometown, I also know for a fact that it rarely occurs that the players from Frosinone get recognized by a stranger in the capital for example like some Buffon. To proceed this is also where one of the biggest differences between Serie A and Serie B is shown - because the top players form Seria A just are better and therefore richer and more famous compared to the players from the second division - and that is why I also misjudged this team. So not only did I learn something new about these sweet footballers I also officially learned not to judge a book by its cover since you actually often end up being pleasantly surprised. 

So I guess I have to admit it now for you to completely understand - I thought I was going to be met by a bunch of supercilious and good looking guys who knows that they are better than the rest of us. But I was wrong. Not about the part where they are good looking but about them thinking they are better than us. Because I must be honest and state that I tonight have met the first Argentinian guy EVER who did not talk or only focus the most on himself but actually seemed to be interested in whatever nonsense I had to tell. I understand that I previously have been very unfortunate when it comes to men and please do not mistake me for my words but a certain someone from Laguna Larga in Argentina does truly seem like a person I would love to spend more time with and get to know even further. 

So if this was a speech I would, at last, give my thank you's to the one and only, Paulo Dybala, for 1) making me feel appreciated the whole night through,  2) for the first time since my arrival not making me regret my decision to leave home and come here and 3) for making me believe that this town and this team could soon become my new home... 

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