Chapter 7

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 AN: Here is chapter 7! Out on time thank god! I promised you guys that I would be updating regularly now and intend to keep that promise! Hope you all like it!

^_^ Enjoy, BlondSky

Chapter 7

            Again the silence came about them as they started downwards once more. They were all growing rather tired of the constant antics of The Abyss. The apprehension was still there, but at that point they were much less afraid and a great deal more annoyed by everything that had happened. It seemed to just be toying with them; causing no harm, but certainly jarring them out of any relaxed state they may have found. It forced them forward into whatever new trick lay ahead. Whether it be illusions of manticores, clouds of suffocating grey smoke, ink spurting flowers, or disturbing whispers there was always something. Everything seemed to be deigned to throw them forwards so that it could destroy the path behind them ever funneling them further downwards into the darkness.

            As they descended getting farther and farther from the fading daylight above them it became continually darker. That was all that really changed as they continued forward and down continually further into the gloom. The ground didn’t shake, no monsters or shadows came, the atmosphere didn’t differ, and the silence never let up. Maybe now that we’re waiting for something to happen it’s not going to throw anything at us, Astro thought bitterly. She wasn’t about to let her guard down however, that was most definitely out of the question. It appeared that the others were thinking the same way as they all remained on high alert as well. All of them were just too tense to enjoy the sudden lapse in action. None was willing to calm down and risk being caught off guard as something finally happened.

            The darkness slowly continued to increase and their vision decreased with it. The sun was starting to set in the west even if they couldn’t see it from how far down they had traveled in the ravine. Add to that little of the fading light actually traveled that far into the chasm. This only heightened the sense of unmistakable tension. A gasp was heard causing everypony to spring into action searching for whatever had caused the gasping pony to do so. Although due to the darkness finding this new development could not be achieved. “Could we get some light please!?” Zone asked directing the question at the unicorns who could very well light up the space with their magic.

“That’s just it! My magic isn’t working!” Kara retorted, “I just tried to illuminate my horn, but it didn’t work.” The last phrase was strained with concentration as she once again tried to light up the space with her magic.

“My magic isn’t working either.” Diplo added with a hint of worry in his voice.

“Mine neither.” Ink stated sounding rather anxious. It became clear that they were stuck in the dark in a rather unfriendly location and that was not a pleasant revelation. This new realization settled in and the darkness around them suddenly more sinister. They had no access to light for the immediate future and where they currently were that was a dangerous thing. As the silence descended again it was so tense you could feel it pressing in from around them.

            They were moving forward at a slow, creeping, and cautious pace waiting for something to pop out of the darkness. Each and every pony was on their toes waiting for that final moment when the silence would shatter once more. Their ears scanned the space around them waiting for even the smallest differential in anything. That was all they could rely on seeing as they had no vision due to the darkness. It hadn’t seemed quite so dangerous until they were stuck with it, but as they were without capability of sight the danger of it became exponentially more imminent. Each one of the crowd was growing to be increasingly more paranoid as the time passed. As they walked on it felt like time was slowing down only to make them have to wait longer in the gloom. Every single second was laced with the expectation that something would jump out of the darkness.

            Then, to their surprise, light was presented to them. Several differently colored orbs of light appeared. The group didn’t trust anything that had been offered up by The Abyss, but couldn’t deny that they were grateful to have their sight back. The different colored orbs of light started to dance around them in a circle casting their glow over the group and the area around them. The brightened atmosphere was nice, they could all agree on that, but just as they had suspected there was sinister side to it as well. As the orbs of light circled them with their friendly glow ugly shadows followed along with them on the wall. The shadows weren’t what worried them, it was the fact that there was nothing casting them as they danced about the concerned group. They weren’t entirely sure if that was the development that they had been waiting for, but they did know that it was a little unsettling.

            Slowly the orbs started to contract their circle bringing it closer to the group and bringing the shadows closer as well. Many of the ponies found themselves favoring the darkness over the current display of unknown monsters. The closer the shadows came the more evil their shapes became. They exchanged glances as they pulled back tightening the group. As they retreated the shadows jumped up from the ground and became full size monsters made from the darkness around them. After they had materialized fully they moved to block the path from which the group had come. Knowing that the only way was deeper into The Abyss they took off without hesitation as the light left them again.

            They ran for a bit trying to make sure that they were out of the way of the monstrous shadows before slowing. At that point they were fairly certain that as long as they continued downwards whatever was behind them would leave them alone. They didn’t need to be funneled forwards any more, they had no choice to go back so the only way was downwards. The events had started out with the purpose to push them forward, but they didn’t need that motivation any longer. As they had decided that The Abyss was sentient being, they had also decided that it wanted them to reach the bottom. They couldn’t deny it that request seeing as it had the power to control the path the were on. It could change its direction or drop it away or leave something nasty out for them to find. It had complete control over where they were headed.

            The group diminished their speed to a slow walk as they got even further from where the shadows had come. The darkness lay around them as, out of their sight, the sun finally disappeared behind the horizon. “Could we get some light now?” Zone asked hoping that the unicorns could again use their magic. Thankfully the space around them glowed with a lovely white light. “Thanks.” he said gratefully.

“That’s not us.” Diplo answered cautiously.

“Great.” he muttered exasperatedly in response.

AN: Bit of a cliffhanger there, but the next chapter will be out tomorrow! Thanks as always for reading!

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