Chapter 2: The New House

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Date: 12/21/18

Alex's P.O.V. 

I wake up and see we are in the drive way of a huge house. When I look over to see who woke me up, I realize I have no idea who it is. But, he does have ginger hair and blue eyes. I wonder who he is. I don't think he could be Kacey and Maddy's brother because the both of them look a lot different then him. 

"I'm Tony" the boy says. I guess he's Tony. Tony is Kacey and Maddy's brother, so I guess I was wrong when I said he probably wasn't there brother. I wonder why he woke me up, and as if he can read my mind, he answers my question "Harry sent me out here to wake you up. He also told me to let you know I am Kacey and Maddy's brother, so you didn't think I was or am just some random person who is waking you up" he says. Then he continues "Harry told me to wake you up and then to bring you inside. I am also sorry I didn't go with them to get you, but there was no room in the at and I wanted to set up your room, I hope you like it" Tony says. I stretch and get up out of the car. We both start walking towards the house 

"I'm Alex" I say as I take my first good look at Tony. He is actually really cute. I really thought he would be really young, I thought he was there younger brother, he seems to be there older brother though. I also thought, since I thought he would be younger, that he would be really annoying and stupid, so far, he doesn't seem that way at all, but, that's so far

"Nice to met you, Alex. I am Tony Berkowitz" Tony says and then I think about that long last name. He has a really long last name, one I've also never heard of until now. I wonder what part of the world that last name came from. He looks down at me "You seem upset, is something wrong" He asks 

"Not upset, just thinking about some things" I answer 

"Are you sure Alex, I wanna be here for you if you need anything. I'm not going to pry, just let me know if you want to talk" He says 

"Thank you, I'm okay though, but I will let you know if anything comes up" I answer and start to think, well damn, he's already so caring and sweet to me. I never really had a close guy friend, or any guy friends for that matter. Despite being popular at my school, I didn't "want" any guy friends in my life. At least, that what my parents told me to say. They didn't want me guys AT ALL, no matter what. I never even had a brother or sister

"Okay cool, just let me know Cupcake" he says.... Cupcake??

"Thanks" I say as we walk into the house with him. I see that Harry, Jarod, Kacey, and Maddy are not in the same room as us

"If you're wondering where everyone is, they went out on a double date and tp get the rest of us pizza, they should be back later" Tony says "I will show you to your room, follow me" he says as he starts walking up the steps "So, Alex, tell me more about you" he says 

"Well, I am 17, my birthday is March 15th, I am 5'2", and I .... never mind" I say. I was about to say I am adopted but he already knew I was adopted

"What" he asks 

"Nothing I was going to tell you I was adopted but you already knew that" I answer with a small laugh at the end "Sorry, you already knew that" 

"I knew, but what is it like being adopted" he asks 

"Well, my adoptive parents were really strict, they only let me go out with friends once in a while and boys were a huge no" I answer him "I was popular at school an--" I say but get cut off

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, so, you never had a boyfriend at all and you never went out at all" he asks 

"I mean, I went out once in a while but not a lot, plus they needed to know every little detail about if I was going out and it was annoying so I didn't. But the boyfriend thing, no, I never had one" I say in response

 "Really, I cant believe a pretty girl like you never had a boyfriend" he says 

"Never" I say 

"Do you want one, I mean, I have a few friends who you might like" He says looking at the ground

"I mean, I never really had a desire to have a boyfriend, but maybe" I say 

"Yes or no, because I can set something up" he says 

"Sure" I answer 

"This is your room, come back downstairs in like 30 minutes" he says 

"okay" I say walking into my new room

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