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The grumpy mood which Taehyung woke up the next day with lasts the whole day. When he's walking home from work, he meets his best friend Jimin.

„Hey, you don't look good." Jimin cares and puts his hand on the brunette's forehead to know if he has a fever or no.
„Yeah, I'm fine, physically." Tae shrugs his hand off
„Something happened?"
„Wanna get some coffee?" Tae asks instead and Jimin nods.
„Yeah, sure, but you have to tell me what's wrong.." They get to the nearby Cafe and order their favorite one.
The cafe was a cozy place with dark wooden tables and chairs. Calm music playing on the background.
„So?" Jimin waits rising one brow in a question.
„Sojin cheated on me."
„What?" Jimin chokes. Almost drowning in his coffee. „I thought you two were happy together, that it was working..?"
„Yeah, same here." Tae saddens, „by the way, where did you go with Yoongi on Saturday? We didn't even notice you two were gone." He looks at Jimin curiously and really amused later as Jimin cheeks grew more and more rich in red color.
„Uhm, yeah, well..we went to play table football."
„Oh yeah smooth Jimin. Don't lie to me." Tae giggles.
„What? I'm not lying.." he frowns.
„I'm not dumb, I noticed Jimin."
„ Ok, I'm gay." Jimin says in defeat.
„Why didn't you tell me?" Tae sips of his coffee.
„ I was afraid I guess." a soft smile appears on Jimins lips.
„So you and Yoongi are dating?"
„Not really."
„Yoongi doesn't know" Tae says his thought and Jimin just nods, „Why don't you tell him?"
„Tae, really? I was scared to tell my best friend I'm gay... and somehow telling a guy I'm sleeping with I love him is the easiest thing in the world now, wow, Taehyung. Really?"
„Jimin-ah. Come on, you already sleep with him. Just try it" encourages his best friend.
„Ok, but if it doesn't work out, you have to take care of my depressed ass for the rest of my life, ok?"
„Sure, mister Depressed ass." And both of them laugh as Jimin pokes Taes head. They pay and go home, Taehyung with better mood than he had before.

The rest of the work week was so long. Tae had a lot of paperwork at office and even at home.As always Tae gets ready for Saturday night out with guys. Wearing black jeans, white t-shirt and red checked shirt he sets off to the bar.

„Kim Taehyung!" he hears shouting someone. He turns around and sees Hoseok with Jungkook, they say hi and enter the bar.
„So how are things with Sojin?" Hoseok asks after they get their drinks.
„There aren't any anymore." he sips his drink.
„I broke up with her. She cheated on me."
„That bitch."
„ Don't talk about her like that." Tae says.
„She deserves it." Hoseok sips his drink and Jungkook just nods in an agreement „Look, you two were good, she fucked up and she cheated. She's a bitch."
„OK, ok, but let's not talk about her."
„I'm sure, you'll find someone soon."
„Well, no, thank you." Tae laughs it off.

After few drinks all of them were pretty tipsy and have their conversations louder. Hoseok seems to have gone for a walk and there's only Tae and Jungkook. Taehyung just can't shake off the odd feeling he has about Jungkook..

„Have you contacted our company about that position?" Jungkook breaks the silence.¨
„I totally forgot about it." Tae slaps himself.
„Thought so, but don't worry, they haven't found the right candidate for the position yet, so you still have a chance." says Jungkook and winks at Tae.
„Great, thanks."
„Nope." Jungkook smiles at him. Hoseok gets back and they order shots of really strong alcohol which they drank last Saturday. Only Taehyung and Jungkook are willing to drink that.

Both of them raise their shots for a toast.
„What we drink on?"
„On us." says Jungkook and with the light tap of glasses he rises one brow provocatively and light smirk appears on his lips.
„There's more of you guys!" Mumbles Hoseok as he's drunk.
„You've had enough, Hobi." Taehyung sways under effect of alcohol.
„Same for you, Taehyung-ssi. You had more drinks than him." says Hobi.
„Nuh-uh.." Taehyung hiccups cutely and frowns, what makes the ravenette chuckle.
„I'm going home!" Starts Hobi.
„One more shot Hobi!!" Shouts really drunk Taehyung.

„Awww, shit.." Taehyung cursing at his hangover headache as he wakes up in the morning. He slowly sits up and looks around.
„How did I get home?" He gets up while cursing himself for drinking too many strong shots yesterday with Jungkook. He takes shower and goes to the kitchen to make himself a breakfast. If you can call it breakfast at 1pm.
„What is this?" Asks himself when he notices a sticky note on the kitchen counter with glass of water, painkiller and breakfast next to it.

„   Drink this. Hope you'll like the breakfast.
My answer: not yet. Take a care.
Jeon Jungkook. "

„Did I do something? What was I asking him?" he thinks out loud. The breakfast were simple sandwiches and for his surprise, they were delicious. After Breakfast he gets himself comfy on couch and watches movies for the rest of the day.

„Oops, I almost forgot about the position again!" curses Taehyung at himself the next day when he gets home from work. Taehyung gets the card out of his wallet and dials the number on it while reading the name: Jung Ki Yeol, assistant of CEO, J Corporation.
„Hello, Jung Ki Yeol, assistant of CEO, How can I help you?"
„Hello, I was given this contact so I can apply for a position of Assistant of CEO at J Corporation. Is the position still available?"
„Oh yes, it is still available. May I know who is calling?"
„Yes, I'm sorry, Kim Taehyung."
„Alright, Mr. Kim. Send your résumé with cover letter to our email address and we will contact you later." He gives him the address.
„Thank you for calling Mr. Kim."
„Thank you" and with that they end phone call. Taehyung then sends the email.

Another exhausting day at work comes by and Taehyung is glad that he's finally home. Ringing phone interrupts his relax time with TV.

„Taehyung-ssi." he hears familiar voice.
„Who is it?"
„It's Jungkook."
„Where did you get my number?"
„From your résumé, but anyway Ki Yeol just wanted to call you but I said i'll tell you myself. You're accepted for the position." He says with light enthusiasm in his voice.
„What? Really? Are you serious?"
„Ha-ha, yes, I am serious Taehyung-ssi." Jungkook laughs on the other side of device. „Can you start working this Thursday?"
„Thursday? It's the day after tomorrow"
„I guess yeah." Tae says uncertain.
„I expect you to come, Taehyung." and with that Jungkook ends the call.
„Wow." Taehyung says to himself in disbelief.
It wasn't easy to quit job overnight as there is a lot of paperwork, but his boss accepted it and let him go.

Taehyung stands before the J Corporation building. It is huge building with glass exterior and doorkeeper on one side of the big sliding door. He knew it is a big company since he hears about it from time to time. The brunette enters the building and finds himself in the middle of a huge lobby full of people. The ceiling is white with big glass chandeliers, black tiles on the floor and part of the lobby has black leather chairs, so you can sit while waiting. The lobby itself already looks like it cost half of the country.
Taehyung really didn't expect the company to look like this. He heads towards the reception.

„Hello, I was told to come here, I was accepted on position Assistant of CEO." He says almost inaudible as he's nervously shivering.
„Hello, May I know your name?"
„Of course, Kim Taehyung." She starts to write something on computer.
„Alright, Mr. Kim. Please sit down and wait a minute."
„No problem. Thank you." and as he says he finds nearby chair he can sit on. He waits only for a while before someone comes up to him.
„Kim Taehyung?"
„Yeah?" Taehyung gets up.
„I'm Jung Ki Yeol. Come with me please, We'll get to CEO, He's waiting for you already." he says and we're going to the elevator.
„He is quite excited for you. To be honest, he rejected every other application for last week and half. When yours came in, he immediately accepted you."
„Really?" Tae rises one brow. „He did what? WHAT?"
„Yeah, do you perhaps know each other, Mr. Kim?"
„We don't."
„Ah..Then I'm sorry for asking such things." the assistant gives Taehyung and apologetic smile and leads him out of the elevator.
„Nah, it's ok. People would be curious about something like that. Even I am." Taehyung laughs nervously.
„Don't be nervous. He might be intimidating and scary, but he can appreciate hard work and be nice too."
„I'm not sure, if that helps, but thank you. Mr. Jung."
„Call me Ki Yeol, we'll see each other often." Taehyung nods and they walk in long corridor.
„Alright, Taehyung-ssi. Here we are." They enter small office. Taehyung gives him a confused look.
„ This is my office, there is yours." Kiyeol points at door with CEO tag. He knocks and opens the door for Taehyung. He enters the room and stops with mouth agape.

„Taehyung-ssi!" He hears from the table and he's not able to process what is happening.


Yaaay, double update :)
Hope you'll like it and again, Don't be a silent reader :) Thank you!

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