The Complex

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The sprawling complex has several different large houses, and smaller houses dotting the landscape, that belonged to the shifter community. All of the shifters has been united into one major complex just over 15 years ago, when the feline queen, almost died birthing the future of shifter kind.

The complex was a vast majority of land fenced and guarded, by shifters 24-7. It stretched over almost 100 miles forming together smaller communities within the larger community called the complex. Although cross breeding was no longer prohibited, some still feared it and stayed as far away from it as possible. A separate Pride house, Pack house, Cave house, Equine stable, and Mer-pond still exsist; even though more progressive houses have popped up where shifters of various types live under one roof.

The largest house in the center of the complex housed the Royal family that was almost as varied as shifter kind it's self. The current Leaders of the complex were Matthew Kade Lyons a lion shifter and his Human (once the Legendary Silver Panther shifter) Wife Zia Pantara.Close at hand was the rest of Royal family and advisors to matters affecting shifter Kind. The Bear Elder and the Lion Kings, now best friend who was once his most ferverent antagonist, Eli Gris and his young wife who was currently pregnant for the second time, Zena Pantara.
Zena is Zia's little sister. Zia and Zena's oldest Brother Zander Pantara, who along with his second Parker Lupine advises the Lion king on matters pertaining to the wolves. Zander's wife is the Lion kings own Twin sister Jade, cursed to never shift but born with the knowledge and ability to circumvent the past by changing the fates of the Lion King and his beloved Queen.
Next is the Panther elder, who took over the position as advisor to the king on matters involving the Panthers, when his Grandfather passed just last year is the Lion Kings other brother-In-law Zion Pantara his queens favorite sibling and his cousin Rachel's mate.
Racheal's twin Ryan Lyons is the go to for matters relating to Lion shifters and his wife is non other than the Bear elder's little sister Cara.
The complex also houses a number of other elders from the Merman elder, Elton Oceans; the Otter Elder Oliver Wood; and the Equine Elder Bolt Thunderhoof just to name a few.

15 years ago the different shifters all lived in their own unique communities but Hope changed all that, Hope that a future existed for shifters of all type, Hope that not all was lost, Hope that was born nine months to the day after the first massive undertaking of cooperation by Feline, Bear and Lupine shifters.

Her name is Hope Lyons she is 15 years old. Her silver hair identifiers her instantly to all those around her. Her hair and her eyes which she inherited from her mother those Amethsyt eyes. She is a miniature of what her mother once was a Silver Panther Shifter.

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