Part One- College and Cliffhangers

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     Opal walked to work one morning while half asleep. Mornings are never her cup of tea; but she usually makes it to her destination without collasping.
     She crossed the street on Chambers and finally arrived at Reptile Universe-- the place she has been vollunteering at for almost a year now. She put on her Reptile Universe ball cap and got to work manning desks, sweeping, feeding the reptiles, and working the cash register as well as distributing and packaging insects such as crickets, roaches, and grass hoppers- for people purchase these to feed their pets and parasites.
     After a hard day full of work, Opal's shift was over so she closed up shop and as she left her heart startes to pound. This is it; she thought. I am finally going to go in and apply for LCC!
     For those of you that didn't know, Opal is 14; a budding musician and a talented actor; but still only an 8th grader; not even in highschool yet- applying for a College.
     That makes things a lot more interesting huh?
     She takes the city bus downtown to LCC and goes to the front office.
She was really young for it but nevertheless ambitious.
She runs into a guy she knows from middle school. A tall black guy, a friend of the guy she was dating.

He pushed her into a wall, trapping her, anime-style. (She figured out later he watched a lot of anime)
"What ya doing here pretty lady?"
He asked.
She blushed and got him away from her.
"I'm dating your friend even though you're really hot."
And she left and applied for a musical opening. She didn't end up taking a class, but she won a metal playing "le signe" or "the swan" that her band teacher taught her and prepared her for.
She wondered about that guy, Bishop. He was her boyfriend's friend at the time.

A couple years later he turned up again, but in class with her in highschool, a year below her still, but he was taller, so she didn't care.

They dated, and that was just a real satisfying turn out. The metal in the college, and dating her bf's friend.
That wasn't just naughty enough though. Opal was traumatized from her sisters, from her dad, and from previous boyfriends.

Nik Olsen, a previous boyfriend of hers trafficked her pictures, nude pics. Just previous to everything happening too. So she was traumatized about men, prejudicing them, but also hypersexualizing them and herself, slowly seeing fetishizing as a positive.

To take her power back, she worked online several positions; writing online, selling her own nudes, streaming. And she was very good at it too, she was attractive as fuck, and it made all the men come in her streams and say the nastiest things.
"Not nasty enough." She thought.
She wanted so much more.

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