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Authors note: by the end of this chapter think of some ship names!

Unknown P.O.V

I walked quietly in the dark down the street near the grill. Don't ask why I don't have a car; I mean sure...I could just compel someone's ass to give me their's, but then again I didn't believe in using compulsion.

Everyone says I'm special. I just don't see it. I've never turned it off because it got to rough. Even when Klaus slaughtered my family right before my eyes in 1952 I didn't turn it off.

That was the reason I had left Mystic Falls in the first place. Death. It was something I was familiar with.

I have also never consumed a drop of human blood. Even when I turned I drank from animals, just like I had taught my best friend. Another thing that is special about me is the fact that I can control it.

If you don't know I used to be a witch. Then when I turned my powers went away. On the exact night that Klaus slaughtered my family I learned to control it. I just had so many emotions bottled up inside of me that finally I gave in. My powers took over, and I nearly killed Klaus.

After that I ran. I ran as far away as I could. I was scared of what I might do, and who I might hurt so instead of embracing my knew abilities I hid them.

I didn't want to be like this. I stopped walking, and looked down at myself. My wavy medium length hair was all pulled to the right side, I wore a thin tight red top, combat boots, and black leggings with white polka dots.

I looked normal as far as normal for a vampire goes.

I began slowly walking again. It was so peaceful outside. All you could hear was the sound of my boots hitting the cement with every step I took.

I heard a noise behind me, and quickly turned around to find that nobody was there. I looked forward again, and gasped. In front of me stood the love of my life. He looked the same. He hadn't changed a bit. He was a beauty to look at. I felt myself trying to speak, yet no words seemed to come out. My mouth was still in the shape of an 'O' I finally found my voice.


(Authors note: Heather Grace is an exact replica of me so...yeah this is what I look like...)

Stefan's P.O.V

It was all dream. She wasn't really here. She was dead....she had to be. In front of me stood a girl. She had hazel-green eyes, wavy medium length brown hair with natural gold highlights, and tan skin. She was tall about five feet six inches. Her eyes were widened, and her mouth formed an 'O'.

"S-Stefan?" She asked. She took a step towards me, and I backed away. She was dead. This wasn't possible. I remember every year coming back to Mystic Falls, and coming to the cemetery.

Her tombstone read: 'Heather Grace Lewis, 1934-1952, sister and friend.' This couldn't be possible, but it was. Sure enough my brother was right. She had consumed his blood. She rose as a vampire. Heather Grace finally came back to me.

She was finally mine again. I looked back up at her, and smiled. Her mouth changed from an O to the biggest grin I had ever seen. Tears began to stream down her face as I walked over to her; I took her head in my hands. "Is it really you?" I asked she nodded, and wrapped her hands around my neck.

I leaned down, and kissed her passionately. It was even more passionate then when Damon and Elena kiss, and trust me. That is passionate.

In an instant she blurred us to the nearest tree, and we continued to kiss. My hands traveled down to her waist.

"I missed you..." I said in between kisses. She pulled us apart, and smirked. She held my hand, "I missed you more.." She said leaning her forehead against mine. "I missed you most.." I replied, and kissed her forehead.

She was my everything, and when she died I was crushed. It felt as if Katherine was playing with my emotions again. The pain was even worse than when I got shot, and trust me. That hurt like hell.

Losing her was the worst thing that could have ever happened to me. I didn't know how to react at first. Should I carry on like she would want me to? Get married start a family? Or should I cry my eyes out until the pain goes away?

In the end I couldn't take it. I wanted to stop, it hurt to much. So finally with all hope lost, I turned it off. Lexi gave up trying after about twenty years. By then she had already lost me, I had left, and wasn't planning on coming back.

Until I found out that Damon had moved on from Katherine, and went to Elena. I was determined to ruin their relationship. Steal her away from him, and claim her as mine. Then the night I killed Vicki something happened. When Lexi told me I had killed her Vicki reminded me of Heather Grace. So innocent, and beautiful. That made me snap, and I came undone.

I looked down at Heather Grace. "Why don't we call it a night, and go get a room at a hotel?" I asked her winking. She smirked at me. "Why yes Stefan I would love to.." She took my hand in hers, and we began to walk down the street.

~one day later~

Elena's P.O.V

I slept on the couch last night. My head laying on Damon's chest while he stroked my hair. In the morning when I woke up he was still next to me. "Good morning.." I said, and turned over to face him. He kissed my forehead, and rubbed my back. "Good morning.." I leaned up, and pressed my lips up against his.

Our moment was interrupted by the sound of the front door swinging open. I heard laughter, it sounded like Stefan's. I got up from the couch, and Damon's warm embrace. He followed slowly behind. At the door stood Stefan, and another girl. The girl was very pretty, and a brunette. She had one arm draped across Stefan's shoulder, and a grin was spread across her face. Stefan whispered something in her ear. Her eyes widened, and she slapped his arm playfully, and glared at him.

I looked over to Damon, and saw that he had a look of disgust on his face. He must've heard what Stefan told her. Now that I saw Damon's face I really didn't want to know.

I heard a small gasp escape the girls lips. She was staring at Damon, and small tears started to trickle down her face. I turned my head towards Damon, and sure enough he mirrored the same look of astonishment. "D-Damon?" She asked through tears.

He ran up to her, and have her the biggest hug I had ever seen. As they hugged I felt a tinge of jealousy. I had a right to be jealous if a hot chick was hugging your man what would you do? A million questions were running wild inside of me. Who is this girl? How does she know Damon? Is she one of his exes? There was one question that really got me.

Why was she here? All I knew was that I wasn't the only one wondering that.

Authors note: hello lovelies,

Aww Steather or is it Hefan? Haha Elena getting jelly...I know I said that I wouldn't let her get in the way of Delena, but I had to! What do you guys think about this chapter and Heather Grace? Comment below! Question of the day: Caroline or Bonnie? Love you guys, and write on!


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