Caroline Forbes: the dating expert

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Authors note: does anyone else want to start a roleplay?!

Lexi's P.O.V

I growled at Stefan, and knocked him to the ground. He landed with a thud, and was still laughing. "Stop it!" I yelled at him. I gave him the best pout I could. "It's not funny." I mumbled. He stood up with a groan. "So do you love him?" Stefan asked looking me in the eye.

There was always a difference between love and like. If you liked a guy you thought that he was cute, or just your type in general. I was in love with Matt. Though I would never admit it out-loud. Especially not with Stefan around. " I don't know Stefan! Love is hard, complicated, and challenging. If it were easy then I would have been dating Matt the day we met." I said staring at my feet.

"Do you want some advice?" Stefan asked with an eyebrow raised. "No I don't want any advice Stefan. I just want you to stay out of it." I told him coldly.

Stefan began to slightly frown. A look of pain was shown across his face. It's not like I wanted to hurt him. I just needed to talk to a professional. Maybe Elena knew what to do. After all she did date Matt, and she has a perfect relationship with Damon.

"Well I guess I'm just going to go home now.." Stefan said quietly before he vamp sped to his car. I sighed, and unlocked my phone. I went to my contacts until I found Elena's number. I quickly hit the 'call' button.

The phone began to ring. It only rung for a few seconds before she picked up. The first thing I heard over the phone was someone moaning. "H-hello?" Elena asked breathlessly over the phone. "Hey Elena, it me Lexi listen I...." I stopped talking when I heard someone groan. I recognized the groan the second I heard it. The groan belonged to Damon Salvatore.

I began to realize what was happening. "You and Damon were making out." I said as a smile began to creep across my face. "What? Th-that's ridiculous. Damon's not even here...." Elena stuttered. I sighed, and rubbed my temples. "Elena, you stutter when you lie, and I'm a vampire remember? I can hear EVERYTHING." I said. "Damn vampire abilities." Elena muttered under her breath. "Anyway...I was wondering if you could meet me at the grill? I really need some dating advice."

"Dating advice? Well in that case I'll need some help. Do you mind if I bring a few people?" Elena asked. "Sure. Just meet me there in fifteen." I said before hanging up.

~fifteen minutes later~

I sat a table in the grill next to the bar. I heard the door swing open, and looked to find Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline.

Caroline had her curly tied up in a ponytail, and was wearing floral leggings, a navy blue shirt, and combat boots. Bonnie had her straight hair down, and was wearing a pair of yoga pants, a yellow top, and heels. Elena had her straight brown hair down, and was wearing shorts that barley made it to her her mid-thigh, heels, and a black oversized shirt. 'Wait a second,' I thought. 'Isn't that Damon's shirt?'

"Isn't that Damon's shirt?" I asked as all three girls sat down at the table. Elena looked down at her shirt, and smiled. "Yeah, it is. I must've taken his shirt by mistake when I was done with my shower. He always leaves his things everywhere. So it's hard to find my things." Elena explained.

Me, and Caroline shared a look before I smirked deviously at her. She noticed my smirk, and her smile faded. "What?" Her brows furrowed as she spoke. "You sure that you were just taking a shower?" Caroline said, and winked.

Elena looked confused. "What do you mean?" Caroline sighed. "Let me explain to you The Circle Of Life featuring: Damon, and Elena. You see, when two people fall in love-" Caroline was cut off by a blushing Elena.

"No! We didn't-" Elena was then cut off by Caroline. "It's okay Elena. You don't need to make up any excuses with me. I understand that you, and Damon have a very intimate relationship" Elena sighed, and face-palmed. I snickered quietly, while Bonnie tried to cover up her laughs with coughs.

"Anyway," I said changing the subject. "I was wondering if you guys could help me. Um..I like this guy, wait scratch that. I might even be in love with him. So I was just wondering if you could maybe-" i was cut off by the sound of someone's phone going off by playing Single Ladies by Beyoncé. I looked around the table until I found Caroline with a guilty look on her face. I gave her an annoyed glare. "You should get that. It might be important." I said sarcastically.

Instead of answering the phone; Caroline hit ignore. "Whatever it is can wait. Now tell me. Who is this man that you might be in love with?" Caroline asked getting out a napkin, and a pen. I smiled. "He's actually in this room with us right now." I said while my eyes drifted towards the bar. I looked back at Caroline who had an ear-to-ear grin on her face. "Matt!!" She said slightly to loudly. His head turned towards us, but then turned back to his costumers. "Yes Matt, now I don't know exactly how to feel. I mean I like him a lot, but I might actually be in love with him..I just need some help."

I said looking Caroline in the eye while she scribbled down some notes on her notepad. "I think I have a diagnosis. You ARE in love with him Lexi. You just need a little help with getting to first base. Luckily I came prepared." Caroline said while taking some clothes out of her purse. "Here go try these on." Caroline said as she handed them to me.

"Hey guys as much as if love to stay and chat; Damon is making dinner back at the boarding house, and I just really need to go..." Elena said grabbing her purse. "Have fun "making dinner"" Caroline winked at Elena causing her checks to turn red.

~ten minutes later~

Caroline's P.O.V

I watched as Lexi, and Matt flirted at the bar. It was adorable. I had given Lexi a dress that she complained was "too short" yet Matt seemed to LOVE it. Young love. It was beautiful in so many ways.

Damon's P.O.V

I stood in kitchen boiling noodles in a pot. I heard the front door open. I looked over my shoulder to find Elena at the doorway. "Damon?" Elena asked. "I'm in here babe!" I yelled across the house. I heard her heels click against the floor getting louder, and louder until she was finally next to me. She took the wooden spoon I was stirring the noodles with out of my hands, and slid past me. She began stirring the noddles slowly. She pressed her back against my chest, and I smiled. I loved it when our life was like this. I loved being with her. Even if it meant watching her age as I stayed the same; I would never leave her.

Authors note: hello lovelies,

For those of you who are wondering, NO I'm not going to make Delena get all hot, and heavy. Because most people think Delena is all about sex. Which it isn't, so I'm just going to put in the sweet parts of their relationship. Anyway, my other authors note above talked about doing a roleplay. Recently I have been wanting to do a roleplay, so I asked a certain wattpad user (you know who you are.) if she would. That's off topic though....question of the day: who is your least favorite character on TVD? Most people would think that I hate Tyler, but actually he is my second favorite character. My least favorite character would have to be Kol. Even though he was only there for a short time...he pissed me off. Comment and review! Love you guys!


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