I guess I had fallen asleep because the next thing I knew I was being awoken by my dad telling me we are here. My dad steps out of the car and then I follow once I get done checking to make sure I didn't mess up my hair or makeup. I realize that we are in a mutual territory so no fights can happen between the two gangs, smart decision. I look up at my dad and realize I have been standing here for like 5 minutes now and we need to go inside.

"Dad, how is all this going to work? I am not going in there just to be blindsided."

"We will walk in and you will start talking to some of our guys until I can find Max, once I have talked with him I will come and get you and will "introduce" you guys to each other. Then you guys will spend the rest of the night getting to know each other and that is all we are doing tonight. Tomorrow Max will come over and we will all sit down and talk about what we do next and how we play out the rest of this until you guys get married."

"Alright, dad sounds good, let's head in." Then we both walked in, dad led me over to this second and third in command and told me to stay here and talk with them. So that is what I did and we talked about training the youngers and border patrol routes because I am in charge of those things and they had some questions, so it worked out that my dad stuck me with them. When we got all of that cleared up and figured out my dad was walking back towards me, I knew what that meant and all the sudden I was nervous. I don't normally get nervous so it was obvious to my dad that something was off.

"Honey, what is wrong? Are you okay?"

" I am fine dad, its just now setting in what we are doing."

"Darling you know that I would never agree to something if it would put you in danger."

"Yes, dad I know." Then I followed my dad since I didn't really know where we were going. Next thing I know I see Max and I just want to run away and I did turn around to calm down. Then I turn back around and realize that Max and my dad are right in front of me. Well, that isn't what I was expecting at all, I thought they were still standing over by the drinks.

"Jasmine this is Max, Max this is my daughter Jasmine." my dad said introducing us as if it was the first time we were meeting.

"Hi nice to meet you," I say holding my hand out for a handshake.

"Yea, it's amazing to see you, not really but your dad has a good idea so I'll give this a chance. However, there will be rules and you will follow them."

"Oh fuck to the no. I don't know who the fuck you think I am but I am not one of your fucking whores. I do what I want not what someone else whats me to do." After that, I start to walk away heading out of the building and I start walking back towards my gang's territory. I can't stand that man, he is a fucking idiot who is too used to getting his way. Before I cross completely over into my territory I am grabbed back by someone around the waist. Immediately I elbow the person in the nose and turn around kicking them in the balls. When they are on the ground I punch their face over and over and then kick their stomach. Then I am pulled off by someone else and I turn around to do the same only to realize it's my dad. I get out of his arms and continue my walk back to my house it takes about 5 minutes and I am home. I walk up to my room and I take off my makeup and take my hair done, I get out of my dress and hope in the shower. I wash off all the sweat and try to erase everything from tonight when I am done, I walk out into my room in my robe. As I was getting ready to walk to my closet I realized that there was someone on my bed.

"Who the fuck are you? And why the hell are you in my room?"

"Well princess after you left that party I tried to catch up with you but you decided to kick my ass instead. Your dad told me where I could find you."

"That doesn't explain why you are here."

"Becuase nobody talks to me the way you did in front of all my members and I couldn't let you get away with that no matter how hot it was."

"Max, I really don't want to do this tonight, can't it wait until tomorrow when we have the meeting or whatever."

"No it really can't princess, now I suggest you go put on some clothes before I do something we both aren't ready for."

"You are a pig," I say but go and put on some sweats and a t-shirt and come back out.

"That's better now, come sit down and we are going to talk and get to know each other like we were supposed to do before you rudely left

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"That's better now, come sit down and we are going to talk and get to know each other like we were supposed to do before you rudely left." I decide not to argue because the faster we do this the faster he leaves and I get to go to sleep.

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