Chapter Fifteen

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Thanksgiving break ends quickly enough, and by the time Blair gets back onto campus, he's desperate to see people he can actually stand to be around instead of classmates from high school that he hadn't bothered to keep up with.

He settles back into his routine easily enough, and tries not to crumble under the weight of Hell Month.

Declan and Spencer are determined to to spend as much time with everyone as they can before winter break comes, and Jasper seems to come back with a want to spend time with him which catches Blair off guard but isn't unwelcome.

So, the next month of his life is spent a mixture of bliss and high level stress.

But it's fine. He's fine.

He can get through it all, one study session at a time.

He'll get through his first semester of college as long as the surprises of life don't kill him first. Although he's been kicking life's ass so far, Jasper is a different story.

Jasper seems to have a way of throwing surprises like they're curve balls and Blair is up to bat for a rival team and each one of them manages to hit Blair painfully and suddenly. Sometimes his surprises come in the form of suddenly wanting to get coffee together. Sometimes it's a sudden kiss on the cheek. Today it's sudden assault by liplock.

Blair would be lying if he said he hasn't ever wondered what this would feel like. He's human. What's more, is that he's a human male with two functional eyes and an a hyper aware sex drive. He's had his fair share of moments where his eyes and mind wander.

Sometimes in the caf, he'll stare at Jasper's mouth and map the way the corners of his lips tick upwards right before he says something snarky. In the library, he'll glance up from his book and find Jasper spread out in his chair, all long limbs and narrow features and find himself staring until Jasper meets his eyes and raises an eyebrow.

Of course he's stopped to force away that incessant need to drag the other close and shut him up with a kiss in places lower than his forehead. But he hadn't ever stopped to think what would happen when the time came and he actually got that kiss. It had always been unattainable. It had always been a daydream.

Despite that, however, Blair doesn't think that he would have guessed their kisses to be so demanding. Jasper leaves no room for argument or question in who's in charge and it catches Blair so off guard that he goes tumbling backwards off the beanbag he had been sitting in only to land, very roughly, on the carpeted floor.

He has fleeting thoughts that maybe he ought to make sure the textbook that managed to stay between them is safely placed somewhere else or that perhaps there's a better place and position to be doing this, but it all vanishes as quickly as it comes. Instead, he clumsily attempts to keep up with the moving lips on his own and shoves the book somewhere off to the side. His lower body is still awkwardly propped up on the beanbag and the position makes it a little hard to breathe, but Jasper's kicking it out of the way and letting out frustrated noises any time Blair's attention wanders and so he chooses to ignore everything else and relishes in the fact that yes, they were making out!

"Was that good?" Jasper asks after pulling away and Blair takes a moment to stare at him before he lets laughter take him over.

Jasper's staring at him with a frown and that makes him laugh even more and can only hug Jasper tightly as his laughter turns into chuckles.

"Why are you laughing at me?" Jasper demands and Blair can only laugh harder and shake his head.

"I'm not. I"m not, I promise." he insists. "What's gotten into you?"

"What do you mean?" Jasper's face is pressed into the crook of Blair's shoulder and his voice is muffled by the fabric of Blair's sweater.

"You've never even kissed me. I've known you since August, and you've never even kissed me, and suddenly you want to tackle me to the ground. What's going on?"

"Maybe I had a fit of passion." Jasper states bluntly and Blair scoffs at that and smiles when jasper starts laughing into his shoulder.

"Seriously." Blair lifts his hips and kicks the beanbag out from under them before nudging Jasper until they're sitting up and looking at one another.

"You're going to make me say it?" Jasper asks and there's a small smile on his lips that Blair knows is from embarrassment rather than humor. "Every embarrassing thought in my head?"

"It can't be that bad. Do you mean to tell me you're kinkier than what-" Blair is cut off when Jasper punches his shoulder with a shocked noise.

"Shut up. I didn't mean it like that. I just...I meant that this isn't me. These wants aren't anything like what I've ever thought of myself before and now I'm thinking them like some sixteen year old girl with a crush."

"Ooh." Blair chuckles and pulls Jasper closer with a grin. "You wanna...hold hands? And maybe have me hold your books while I walk you to class? Or how's about I kiss you underneath the bleachers before practice? Maybe I can wear a leather jacket and you can-"

"We are not a cliche high school romance, you dick." Jasper laughs and pushes Blair head teasingly before resting his hands on Blair's shoulders. "but...I don't mind holding your hand. And not just underneath the Caf's tables when we're sure no one is looking. And kissing you was actually better than I thought it would be."

Blair frowns incredulously at that and begins to smile again but Jasper pushes his shoulder before he can begin to laugh.

"Why did you think it would be bad?" Blair asks softly and Jasper sighs in return before answering.

"Kissing is gross in theory. Wet." Jasper shrugs and Blair can't help but chuckle at that.

"Wet? Charming."

"Maybe we could do it more often."

"More often like once a week or once a day or-"

Jasper laughs and ducks down to kiss Blair slowly and nothing like the kisses they'd shared a few minutes before.

"Often." Jasper states simply and pecks him once more before pulling away completely.

"I can get behind that." Blair mumbles and grins when Jasper doesn't seem to get upset.

"You're enjoying this." Jasper states bluntly and raises an eyebrow.

"Ugh, no. God, what do I look like? What kind of monster enjoys hearing that their Bind is interested in them?" Blair mocks and smiles when Jasper pinches the bridge of his nose with a sigh.

And suddenly there's a hand in his hair, and a hand on his chest, and Jasper is pressing impossibly close and there's a pair of lips ghosting over his own. Green eyes look at him from underneath lashes and he feels mesmerized.

"I can play this game, too, jerk." Jasper mumbles and kisses him once more.

"Jasper, maybe we-"

"Jas. You can call me Jas."

"Jas." Spencer pauses and looks up at green eyes before clearing his throat. "We really need to stop." Spencer pulls away and scrambles to stand up before adjusting himself in his pants.

Jasper makes a pained noise from where he lands on his ass before huffing and standing up at well.

"Glad to see I have such an effect." he smirks and touches Blair's arm before moving towards his study materials.

"Where'd the sudden confidence come from?" Blair asks and moves the beanbag back to its original position.

"Who says its sudden?" Jasper asks and grins widely.

"You're a horrible person for keeping that from me, in that case." Blair scoffs.


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