top o the morning to ya Part 6

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I slowed to a walk and hit a wall I backed away and looked to my left and found that the halway took a turn I kept walking and found myself at some sort of lab I then saw a small golden furred wolf I then proceeded to check his pulse and his breathing he was still alive I took off my hazard suit helmet off and put it on him I picked him up and ran like hell towards the exit taking out my machete and put it on fire without dropping him and then sliced through the clear plastic barrier with relative ease then turned it off and continued to run even leaving my bag I ran to where I got the chemical hazard suit I paused and grabbed the other than continued I ran to where I had found the grenades I laid him down next to the box and waited for something to try and come at me or him in a flash of black I found myself knocking out darkfur once more I decided to carry them both back I slung dark fur over my shoulder and the child over my other it took a couple hours and by the time I got back the moon was rising in the east while the sun set in the west when I finally got back to Ignigs' base Ignis took Darkfur off of my shoulder and laid him down in the medical hall same thing with the child I once again fell asleep in the same chair I did before while the chemical hazard suit fell to the ground and wasn't picked up until the morning I awakened to a happy face the child that I rescued from whatever that place was "hello and top of the mornin to ya" he spoke in an irish accent i replied "and the rest of the day to you" he smiled and walked away toward the kitchen after gathering my thoughts I then got up and followed the child toward the kitchen Darkfur and Ignis were waiting for me there "Morning Ashbourne" Ignis greeted "Morning what are we having?" I asked "M.R.E.s" he replied he then handed me my favorite one the beef stew it took me awhile to collect my memories on how to eat and cook these but within minutes I was cooking the beef stew in with the heating packet then I noticed that the child I had saved was attempting to read the instructions to cook his M.R.E. spaghetti I walked over to him and asked "having trouble with that?" he nodded I then showed him how to cook it without burning it and how to make the coffee that came along with it it was the funniest thing I had ever seen when he took a sip of it instantly it looked like he had bitten into a lemon I then asked him "hey kid ya got a name?" he replied "Aureum" as he took a spoonful of spaghetti he just straight inhaled it as he was still eating I walked to Ignis and said "hey you know how I wandered off this morning" "yeah"he replied "so I wandered back to a place where I think Darkfur was I think there something else there cause that's also where I found Aureum" "alright how about I get darkfur,you,me and a few others to go there and find out what's going on?" "sure" I replied from "we'll leave at twelve hundred hours" "got it" i replied hours of waiting later Ignis walked up to me and handed me an assault rifle and my old revolver I didn't question why he still had it he then said "you'll have to lead the way" he spoke "understood" I responded I then traced my steps from last night and found the place I stopped and used hand gestures to tell the rest except for me and Ignis to stay I gave Ignis a chemical suit he then put it on I put on mine then we walked into the unknown I got to the now very burnt plastic barer and picked up my bag then continued I got to the turn where I had found Aureum and got an adrenaline huge rush my heart beated faster and faster as we continued to walk and we found a door my heart slowed and the adrenaline ceased to exist with 12 no 13 locks on it I reached into my bag and pulled out the machete flipped the switch and melted every lock afterwards I slowly pushed open the door my heart then sprinted once more rifle in hand I peeked in it seemed to be a control room of sorts I noticed many desks with computers on them and an especially big desk with three heard what sounded like a lion growling then something jumped up at me...

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