04: Venture the Woods to Save Life!

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Venture the woods to save life!


The last bell for the day rung throughout the corridor. Like a wave, students startes to crowd tha hallways of the building. A series of laughter echoed, sound of lockers opening and closing could be heard and hundreds of footsteps tapped the concrete floors. Students had also started to crowd the ground as they head out to go home.

Among the crowd of students rushing to get home, one person was just standing there. His youthful and beautiful face was looking ahead of him which made the girls that walked passed him giggle in happiness from seeing their crush.

Meanwhile, James was also walking out of the building when he saw a familliar silhoutte standing a few meters from him. James looked at him with a confused look and decided to approach this guy.

"Hey Hiro? What're you doing just standing around here?" James inquired as he slung his arms over Hiro's shoulder.

When these ladies walked passed by them, they immediately ran off screaming in happiness. James looked at those female students in confusion. 'What just happened? Did they eat something bad?'

Hiro was still planted on his spot on the ground like it was the most natural thing to do. Annoyed due from the lack of response, James playfully smiled and extended one of his index finger then licked it before inserting it inside Hiro's earlobe.

James could see how Hiro's hair on his skin rose in alarm which made him clutched his stomach and laughed.

"Oh my god! That was so gross!" Hiro yelled and went to fished his handkerchief from his pockets and angrily wiped his ear. "Fuck you James! Fuck you! You know I hate it when you do that!"

James was almost at his wits end from laughing. His voice was so loud that it made the other students started to raises their head to see what was going on. Chester and Maycee had just emerged from the building when they saw these two. Hiro was fuming in anger while James was almost about to die from laughing.

"Hey! hey! hey! What just happened? Are you having fun without us?"

Chester asked as he looked at James who was now on the ground laughing while clutching his stomach. Rage with anger, Hiro raised his hand and slapped Chester on the head.

"Having fun your ass! Go home you bastard!" Hiro yelled in anger.

He quickly walked away and went to the direction of the schools parking lot where Morel should be awaiting for him but when he got there, that familiar balck audi that he recognizes wasn't even in there.

"What the hell happened to Morel?" Hiro asked himself.

He quickly pulled his phone out from his pockets and turned around to make a phone call but suddenly, his phone dropped to ground with a loud thud. Hiro's eyes widened in surprise as he looked around.

The suppose to be ground where his school building stood was nowhere to be seen, it was replaced with tall skinned bamboo trees! He turmed around but there were all bamboo trees everywhere!

'What the fuck just happened?!' Hiro's brain begun to panic as he tried to assess the situation he was in. 'Did I became one of those X-Men people who knew teleportation? Fuck! I don't wanna be blue!'

The sound of footsteps sounded from different directions which made Hiro frantically looked around in panic. His eyes were as wide as saucers as he tried to find what was making that noise. The wind had also became strong making the bamboo leaves rustle, creating a sinister music playing along his ears. Hiro remembered he had a phone and quickly searched for it on the ground. When he managed to find it, he quickly dialed the emergency hotline.

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