Começar do início

Violet flipped the page, running her finger down the print until she found my name. After reading it, she looked up, fire burning in her eyes. “What the hell?”

“Violet Mae!”

“What kind of nonsense is this? A wooden box? What’s in there?”

I scooted it toward her. “I have no idea. It’s locked.”

She fumbled with the padlock. “We have to figure out how to get this off.”

“I know, but I have no idea how. I couldn’t find the key.” Part of me didn’t care what was in there. Anything from Momma couldn't be good.

Violet grabbed a dishtowel and scrubbed the dust off the top of the box. “There’s writing under all this dust!” She bent over the box again, invigorated by her discovery, and traced the etching with her fingers. “It says Dora.”

“Who’s Dora?” I couldn’t remember Momma or Daddy ever mentioning a Dora.

“I don't know…” her voice trailed off as she turned the box around, looking for more clues. “It’s kinda like our very own mystery.”

My laugh was only slightly bitter. “Yeah, I suppose it is. We could have our very own Let’s Make a Deal. Violet Beauregard, do you want to trade your inheritance for the mysterious contents of a small wooden box?”

Violet’s eyes grew misty. “Rose, I’m so sorry. Really, I am. I’ll make this right. I promise.”

“Maybe you should wait to see what’s in the box before you go offerin’ me anything. There might be a pirate’s booty in there.” I tried to sound lighthearted. None of this was Violet’s fault. There was no sense making her feel bad.

“How can you tease like that? Momma cut you out of her will!”

“No, she didn't. She gave me a box. Besides, it was no secret Momma didn’t like me. I’ll admit to being pretty upset when I found out, but I’ve had time to get over it.”


“I should have been there for you,” she said, “but I was being stubborn and spiteful. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, water under the bridge and all that. But I have other news to tell you.” My face lit up into a big smile, eager to change the subject.

Violet’s eyes twinkled in anticipation. It wasn't like me to get so excited. “What?”

“I got my first kiss last night!”

Her face froze in horror. “You what?”

I pinched my lips together in disappointment. That was not the reaction I expected. I lifted my chin in defiance. “I said I got my first kiss. And it was wonderful, thank you very much for asking.”

She raised her hands in surrender. “Okay, back up. When? Where? Who?”

“Last night. On my front porch. Joe.” I felt like I was playing a game of Clue.

She looked confused. “Joe? Joe who?”

I rolled my eyes. “Joe McAllister, my next door neighbor. Joe.”

Indignation filled her eyes. “Did he take advantage of you?”

“No! It was nothing like that. We were sittin’ on the front porch, drinking Uncle Earl’s beer…”

“You were drinkin’ beer?” Her voice raised several decibels.

“Sure, why not? Uncle Earl does.”

TWENTY-EIGHT AND A HALF WISHES (A ROSE GARDNER MYSTERY, BOOK 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora