lost kitten

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y/n pov

i was walking around town with team ruby for the past few days ive team ruby has been visiting me in my dorm and asking me to go it will kill some time so why not i looked around and this place reminds me of back home i wonder how every one else is doing 

ruby:hey cloud you ok

y/n:yeah im fine 

yang: this place reeks of fish


i looked over and saw a broken store i looked back at the girls then i left to scout out the store i slipped passed the guards and what i saw was something I could never forget white fang members brutally murdered yeah that's him alright sephiroth was here maybe they tried to recruit him to their side i walked out of the store and notice that blake was missing from the group i looked over and saw where blake went

time skip

y/n:* watches blake takes off her bow and walkes up* so you finally revealed your self

blakes:*turns around in surprise* how did you now

y/n: your bow twicthes     look i can understand why you want to hide it so i wont pry feel free to tell me if you want

i began to walk away and blake tugged on my sleeve 

blake:please stay *blushes*

y/n:ok lets go somewhere we can talk


y/n:so thats the story hmm well you cant change the past you can just look towards the future

sun:wow thats deep

Blake;anyway well attack tonight


we were wait for the white fang i got the feeling that something was going to happen but what

wf1;did you hear what happend to the others

wf:yeah they were killed 

y/n: yeah theyre talking about him 

roman:keep going 

wf3:uh sir


wf:we have troub*cut off from a sword stabbed through his chest

sephiroth: well we cant have you telling evey one now 

blake:who is that

blake and sun watch as Sephiroth killed every last one of them their bodies were scarted all over the place their blood stained the concrete and the creates  sephiroth slowy walked up to roman and stabbed him through the chest and picked him up with his sword and smiled

sephiroth: tell your leader ill becoming for the four madins their power interests me 

he dropped roman on the ground and you charged out to attack him he blocked your attack and he simply smiled

sephiroth:so we meet again (y/n)

you jumped back and readied  your fusion sword the wind picked up and blow through their hair and gear then the rest of  team ruby showed up you gripped your sword hilt hard and dashed after him your swords clashed and clanged sending sparks flying sephiroth sent you flying to a crate and you got your footing on the side of it and he charged at ypu you blocked his attack leveing a big dent in the side you cast haste on your self a attacked back makeing your attacks faster sephiroth blocked evrey attack you focused your energy into your blade and shot a beam blade ath him pushing him back you pulled down on your handel bring out a small dagger and you fought him duel handed bolcking and couturing his attacks he then stoppe

sephiroth:well i have to go now until we meet agign (y/n) *flys away

y/n:*put fuison sword away* and next time we meet ill will end you

you walked away from team rwby and walked twords beacon you needed to get stronger and gain allies but for now you need rest tommarrow is another day 

Lone wolf (cloud strife male reader x rwby)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ