Scroll 13: Warriors

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"They just keep coming and coming! What should we do, Aladdin!?" Kouha asked.

"We fight them! Uncle Niel, please pulverize those on your left while Aunt Akari burns the rest on your right." Aladdin commanded. The king let out an annoyed sigh as he flew towards the left and called for his djinn.

"Enlighten the sky with your thunderous voice, Gamori!" Several lightnings appeared in the sky and burnt their enemies to dust. Their number, however, did not decrease whatsoever. The black sphere continued to release hundreds of dark djinns. Thais knew that their battle was going nowhere. They were just wasting magoi, but they had to eliminate it or else their world will be at stake. Aladdin estimated that it will exhaust ten thousand more. Kouha gawked at that while the others winced at the number. Kouen wasted no time and rushed towards the dark djinns. He cut each and every one of them with his sword.

"What the hell is that sword!? It burns and blows away anything it touches." Alibaba muttered. The enemies were no matched for him.

"As expected of my brother!" Kogyouku praised. The others were astonished by the display. Thais sweatdropped at the general's rash actions. Kouen was desperate for something and she was sure that it had something to do with Aladdin. She noticed him drop his djinn equip to switch with his other one.

"Pierce through the earth, Agares!" He shouted as a huge vortex of flame tore the earth and a crater filled with lava appeared. He once again returned back to his previous djinn equip. He continued the battle with a crazed look on his face and Thais somehow recognized that look.

"Hey, Aladdin. Did you strike a deal with Kouen having the Toran language or whatever is of the other world included? I have only seen that look twice and I am sure it's gotta be it." Thais commented. The said magi flinched and nodded. Kouha uttered that he may be like that, but Kouen still had the country's interest at heart.

"It's good thing you are not thirsty for knowledge like that, Niel. There are already two kings in this world that are crazy about Alma Toran. Geez, they just can't leave the past alone. Niel, Akari and Daw, I will have to go back to Magnostadt. There is somebody I have to fetch." They nodded and Thais rushed to the valleys near the country. There stood her faithful companion and a girl.

"Thais! It's good to see you."

"Yeah, we have a lot to catch up, Kaein. Who is this little girl?" He gladly introduced her as Khamisa. Thais also wondered why she was named after a number. Kaein burst out laughing at the statement. Khamisa pouted at that. The Arjwani and now, a metal vessel user, was judging her name.

"I'm not saying that it is not beautiful. I just find it quite unusual. Not only that, I see that you're a student of Magnostadt. Have you thought of what you want to do?" Thais inquired. The girl in front of her nodded and told her that she wished to fight alongside them.

"Great! We have to go now. I expect Yrif to come later anyways." She muttered. Kaein gave her a surprised look to which she explained briefly. Right now, they had to eliminate the monstrosity at hand. She returned quickly only to see Kouen and Alibaba using extreme magic at the same time.

"Extreme Magic: Astor Inqerad!"Kouen called. Flames danced around the sky and it hit the dark sphere head on. However, Alibaba was having a hard time controlling both his and the general's flames. Kouen had to mock him in order to show his true power.

"Let's do this! Extreme Magic: Amol Al-Bador Saiqa!"

The dark sphere only received a fraction of damage. Confusingly, the dark djinns it released were reabsorbed and it became much more sinister. The bulk started taking shape, and it looked like a headless skeletal monster.

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