Chp. 1

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Lily's POV

I looked drowsily at the glowing bars of the small cell I was trapped in. I vaguely remember what happened. I was sneaking onto the main galra battle ship to try to save Takashi, who was taken from us about a few years ago. I felt my eye lids sink like weights as the visible life was drained from me.

Sendak's POV

I watched the girl fall asleep in her cage as the drugs we fed her kicked in, preparing her for the surgery. "Sir, she is ready." Said a lower classmate of mine. I nodded and he went to turn off the security system for me to take her. I walked in and hoisted her over my shoulder and carried her to the scanner.

"Sendak, which limb should we recreate?" Asked a hooded druid. "How about all of them?" I asked. She nodded and went to a creation table and, with the other druids, started to bind their pure dark magic and slowly started to make a left leg. The scan was completed and we successfully got an exact 3D copy of her DNA and appearence. I picked her up once more and layed her on the cold surgery table. I heard a faint bang and thought it was the machinery. So I just kept sitting at my small couch in the lounge and wait for everything to start.

Ulaz burst through the doors. "Sir! There has been a break-in in the west wing!" He reported. "Soldiers, battle stations now!" I yelled as many galra and the druids, along with me, all rushed out, leaving the unconcience girl alone in the room with Ulaz.

Ulaz's POV
Once evryone was gone, I went over to the operating table and looked at her. Im sorry this had to happen to you, Lily, I thought as I picked her up and carefully placed her on my back. I ran back to Shiro in the luxured escape shuttle.

"Who the heck is she?" He asked. I ignored his dumb question and put Lily into the the escape pod. I give the girl to Shiro and he leans her on his chest and holding her securly. I walk out of the pod to a small controlling booth and fired up the engine. "Im sure this wont be our last goodbye, but if it is, goodbye, and thank you." Shiro said, smiling at my direction.

I smile back and press the LAUNCH button as the pod speeds in the direction of Earth. Im glad that I was able to help them escape, but now how am I supposed to cover up my tracks from the galra empire?

Shiro's POV

I soon fell asleep myself and waited for our arrival to earth which I knew would take a while. I knew this ship should be able to make wormholes but I just wanted to rest for now. I leaned my head back and fell into a deep sleep.
-time skip-
I heard someone come on to the ship and I jolted awake.
"Who's there?" I asked. I looked down at Lily and tried to wake her up. She opened her eyes a bit and looked at me with question. "Who-" "Shh, I think someone is here." I shushed her. She nodded her head slightly and sat up, letting me go investigate.

I streached a bit then walked around the ship causiously. Suddenly, a big galra jumped from the ceiling and landed in front of me. I spun him around and pushed him to the wall, holding him there. "Calm yourself, please. I am with the Blade of Marmora, I came to get you two to saftey before the galra's battle cruisers find us." he said. I released him and he turned to face me. "Wait, where is Lily?" he asked, giving me a seemingly questioning look.

I signalled him to follow me as I took him to where the little "lobby" room is. Lily was in the same place that I left her. "Lily, thank god your safe, Antok was looking for you." He said as he rushed towards her, embracing her into his arms. "We have to get you home as soon as possible, and Shiro, thank you for your help and all, but..." He rased a gun to me and pulled the trigger twice, blurring my vision as pain built up in my chest. I faintly heard Lily screaming in terror.

Lily's POV

I kicked and punched, trying to get out of the grip of the galra, who was most likely going to expiriment on me as well. I was shifted to his other shoulder as we walked off the escape pod and onto a smaller one. I yelled and protested for my freedom but he didnt budge. He strapped me into the backseat of the ship securly and went into the front to steer. This is one heck of a welcome home surprise.

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