[2] Team spirit.

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     So,  Verger was on the floor.

     Well, as a basketball player he's experienced the situation many times before, so the position itself wasn't something new under the sun. However, that particular time, a few things were off.

     For one, the game hadn't even started yet.

     For two, it was his own teammate that had pushed him to the ground.

     For three, the others looked just about to join.

     How did this happen?


     Verger and his team entered the court with their heads up high, shoes squeaking on the highly polished wooden floor. The entire crowd cheered, and it was quite overwhelming - they were at the beginning of the nationals. They'd have to contest eleven teams in the following two weeks, and this was just the first one.

     But seeing as they made it this far, they weren't too nervous on it. Just weary.

     They all moved to the court to practice, the match starting in fifteen minutes. As they warmed up by the side, they observed the team that entered. Verger was stretching his legs when he noticed a specific opponent wave at him. After recognizing the man, he waved back with a faint smile to go. He knew it'd come to facing him, but had no idea it'd be this soon.

     "You know number 11?" his teammate Kevin asked, swinging his body after a stretched arm that Verger barely dodged.


     Their coach Noak, a Swedish man by the book, raised an intrigued blonde eyebrow at that. "What do you know about his style?"

     "He is a center."

     "Yeah, because that wasn't obvious." Stefan commented as he wiped his glasses.

     Yes, it could only be deductible that number 11 was a center. He was stretching to his full 6'10 (2.08m), and the arm he just waved had rivers of veins over the hills that were his muscles. The fact that he was African American only complimented the whole aspect.

     "He slam dunks a lot, but the last time I played with him he had problems shooting three pointers. Still, he's really determined so he probably worked on that." Verger took a ball and bounced it at the front, then between his legs. "Also, he's really active. Doesn't get tired easily." he added with a grin.

     "How do you know him?"

     Verger stopped the ball, looked to the basket nearby and threw it, the ball going through with that satisfying 'swoosh' of the net.

     "He's my ex."

     Why hadn't Verger mentioned his sexuality before, in the five years they've played together since 7th grade to 12th, and instead chose that crucial moment to reveal something like that?

     Well, Verger simply hadn't seen a reason to come out. His friends were the friends of himself, his honest self, so how would letting them know change anything? Because, really, he never hid the fact in the first place. It just never really came down to it, but he never meant to hide it.

     His best friend Travis would ask 'Isn't that girl hot' and Verger would say yes if she was and no if she wasn't. His classmate would say 'Dude that's gay' if he did something of the sort and he'd say 'I guess it is'. People at parties would say 'Dude why don't you get laid' and he'd said 'I did get laid' if he did and 'I didn't' if he did not. And they'd ask 'Whom with' and he'd say 'Oh, I'm not supposed to tell', because for some reason the men he's slept with weren't comfortable with themselves.

     Thus, he was really used to being honest and getting away with it, so Travis pushing him to the ground came as a big enough shock to make him forget how to land correctly, instead ending up on his butt and back.

     And then it all went to shit.

     The coach gave them big talk, but it proved useless in the game as every teammate was repulsed by Verger's passes and neither of them passed in turn, some even going as far as fouling him.

     It came to the point in which Noak had to bench Verger, one of their aces. But by then they were too far behind, and the general mood was shit, and they lost. Practices were only worse from then, and so it only took a couple weeks for Verger to finally quit basketball.

     And that is how he got into streetball.




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