Maybe I'm Broken (Cas x Reader)

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You pressed closer to the wall clasping your hand over your mouth trying not to make a sound. You tried to calm your breathing as you peered around the corner. Cas was standing in the middle of the empty room with another angel standing in front of him. You weren't meant to be there and you knew weren't. Cas had told you to wait in the car once you arrived outside the abandoned factory, he didn't want you anywhere near angels as he was afraid of what they would do to you. A relationship between a human and an angel was forbidden and you and Cas had been dating for almost a year now.

"Brother please, don't make me do this." Cas pleaded.

"Do what Castiel? Kill me? Like the hundreds of other angels, you have slaughtered for these humans. Do you know what you have done to heaven? We're going extinct Castiel, and it's all your fault. Maybe they're right when they say you're the new Lucifer." The angel hissed.

Cas' eyes dropped to the ground as the words sunk in. His arm holding the angel blade dropped to his side. An angel blade slipped out of the angel's sleeve into his hand. He was going to kill him. You reached into your jacket pulling out your blade and jumped around the corner.

"Hey, you dick over here!" You shouted.

The angel spun around to see you standing in the doorway. You flipped the blade around and threw it. You turned away as it hit the angel and he fell to floor light flooding out.


You ran over and wrapped your arms around him. He stood still for a minute before returning the hug and melting into your arms.

"Thank you, Y/N." He whispered as he buried his face in your neck.

"Let's go home." You smiled as you pulled away and held his face in your hands looking at a cut on his cheek.

You took his hand and followed him out to the car getting into the shotgun seat. You turned on the radio as you prepared for the long drive home. You looked out the window as it started to rain.

You pushed the door to the bunker open and the main room was empty. You walked down the stairs Cas following behind you.

"Dean? Sam?" You called.

No response.

"Guess their not home." You shrugged. "Here sit down and let me clean that up for you." You said looking at the cut on Cas' face as you pulled out a chair.

You went into the kitchen and grabbed a towel and bottle of whiskey out of the cupboard. You walked back to Cas and dragged a chair over to sit in front of him. You open the bottle of whiskey and poured it onto the towel.

You put your hand on his cheek and turned his head to the side. He flinched as you pressed the towel to his face.


You wiped the towel across the cut and then put it down on the table.

"What's wrong? You're being quiet." You asked looking into his eyes.

"It's nothing." He said shaking his head.

"Cas, you're a terrible liar."

Cas smiled at you as he met your gaze. You could always tell when he was hiding something from you. You knew him too well for him to lie to you.

"What if what he said was right?" It seemed like he was more thinking out loud than talking to you.

"That angel? Cas he was a dick, he wasn't right." You tried to assure him.

"Y/N, I know what I've done. I've lost the love of heaven, I've fallen in every way and I've caused so much damage. You haven't seen what happened up there, it's a mess. Maybe their right, maybe I am broken." He admitted.

"Well fuck them Cas. Who cares if you're broken? We're all broken. I'm broken. Broken doesn't mean that you can't still do good, still love. It doesn't change a thing. You are still the same Castiel, yes you've done some bad things but you've helped save the world. You saved me. You're a hero Cas, and if heaven doesn't love you so what, just know that I love you. I love you with all of my fucked up piece of shit heart." You exclaimed.

Cas sat in silence for a minute staring at you with a tilted head. Then he leaned across and kissed you. You kissed him back as you placed your hand on the back of his head.

"You wanna go watch some TV?" You asked as you pulled away.

"Of course."

Cas stood up and picked you up throwing you over his shoulder.

"Cas!" You giggled.

He dropped you over the back of the couch and walked over to turn on the TV. You landed on the couch laughing and pretended to pout at him. Once the TV started he walked over and lay down on the couch and pulled you into his chest. You nuzzled into him as he placed a kiss on the top of your head.

"I never said thank you did?" He asked after a minute.

"For what?"

"For ... well ... everything."

"You don't have to. Being here with me is thanks enough." You whispered.

-Admin Tink

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