Chapter 10

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Fours POV

This left the room not looking at any one and I just stood there while both parties looked at me as if I had just grown another head. I mean I might as well have after all the weren't gonna be happy that I knew something that obviously wasn't meant to be known by me or anyone else for that matter.

So I tell them my side if what happened starting with going to that stupid part. "well you see I was having g a bad day and then went to this party where she showed and well she don't drink any thing but she was danced and minding her own business and o saw the struggle with Peter,  and saw him dragging her off s I followed them since it all seemed so weird that there was hardly any fight form her. And that's when I found Peter trying g to do well at site you know what and the same when I pulled him off and well I saw red but when urban and Zeke pulled me off him she was gone and I looked everywhere for her I promise I did but I couldn't find her so I came home and well just now I didn't mean to waves drop but it happens and I'm sorry I won't tell anyone of this I promise."_ but she cut me off walking out of the door

Tory and armor just stood there not saying a word for what felt like a life time but was in reality only a couple of minutes until they spoke and even they met was in low don't you dear repeat this to anyone kinda voice.

"Now four I expect this won't for any further than this room when I tell you that Tris has been kicked out of her house by her father and all because after he had beaten her half t death she called for us to come and get her." tori said and this I can't imagine how she feel an right about now I mean sure my dad beats me on a regular basis but I don't think he would ever kick me out cause then who is going to clean. So after him all of the time.

I can tell that tori wants to say something else but I don't want to hear it instead setting out to find Tris I mean j know I haven't been the nicest of guys to her in fact I may have been right behind peter in bullying her but now I realise that she was more than I expected her to be.

I ask fee like there is more than the whole racing and I'm a week book work Act she has goin on.

After a while of Tori looking g line she wanted to say something but not saying it, I tell her to just spit it out all ready there was obviously something I don't know about Tris yet and well Tory and armar were doing g alit to keep it hidden to I just shook my head at them both leave f the kitchen and going In search of Tris.

I start by looking in the room she was staying in first but she wasn't there her clothed were thrown all over the floor like she had been looking for something prity important she had lost and that's when he saw it lying thereon the floor sat a small sapphire blue and ruby red ring ,in fact Four was sure he had seen it before now but not on Tris bit on Six how could it be in her room unless she was six but that's just impossible.

I mean Tris was well not exactly the supper model that Six was she was more the last thing any I e would want to date, but the more I think about it Tris never wore any clothes that showed off her body or well I did think any one had ever seen any FBI g but her hands and face, bit that was about it.

It was like she was hiding her self under it all I mean she wasn't fat by any means of the word you could tell that she wasn't carried g as much weight as she wanted you to believe.

But it was still puzzling as to why she had that ring in her room, unless she stole it I mean she couldn't be six she couldn't possibly know anything g about cars her own was a beer up old rusty truck that looked like it might give up any second.

Dividing I shouldn't really be in here in case she comes back form where ever she was, so I go look In the games room living room and even by the pool she isn't anywhere to be seen so I decide to see if her better up truck is in the garage and it is, but there is one problem the black Bugatti varon was missing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2018 ⏰

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