Chapter 7

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Four's POV

While we do our thing I find my mind wandering to tris and what she is doing and then realize that she probably hasn't eaten so I grab a plate and put some pizza and some other stuff before taking it up saying it's for Tory and I would be right back, before heading up the stairs and knocking on her door and letting myself in to see... I walked in To get room to find that Tory was not here and Tris was curled up on her side with her head buried in shadow as she cried to herself her phone lay on the floor with the battery out as if she had thrown it against the wall in frustration.

I walk in clearing my throat and closing the door behind me so no one walks in before taking the food over to her "hey Tris are you okay " I ask knowing it was a stupid question cause come on everyone cries when they are okay and just fine. at this she looks up at me and well i can see how red and puffy her eyes are and she is still crying but manages to tell me "i'm just so good right now as you can see here i m crying in bed with a dog who doesn't even belong to me but what would you care? after all you feel the need to remind me how ugly and how i will never have friends every chance you get"she says taking the plate from me and telling me to get the hell out before she calls for armor.

with this i leave her alone and go back down to uran and zeke shaking my head as i come in the room "hey you guys wanna get out of here and party tonight i feel the need to get wasted and herd peter is throwing a party for everyone who wants to come?" i say as i head for the door knowing the answer all ready before remembering i'm in sweatpants "i'll be back in 2 guys gonna get changed into something more me " say running back up and to my room getting changed into a pair of black skinny jeans and a black v neck t shirt before jogging back down the stairs and heading out of the door with dumb and dumber following me arguing over who gets shot gun

Tris POV

after a while of watching netflix a move my laptop of my knees and place it on the side closed so no one cal look through my stuff and grab my phone of the bed side table and turn it back on to only have one message of my father telling me not to bother coming back home if i wanted to live much longer and if he found out where i was he would kill me no questions asked as i was a sad excuse for a daughter and he never wanted to see my face again.

It was this that made me realise something g I had always known and thread that I was always going to come in second to my twin brother the one who had perfect grades well so did I but that wasn't enough I had to clean the house even tho we had people to do that, I was always going g to come in second to him in because he went with my parents in every single business trip and I was left at home to well go to school keep my grades up and clean the house. I was the one who was a disappointment even tho I didn't go out drinking or did drugs that the knew of but I was gave one who was always left being Alone, but that was all about to change I wouldn't go back and I certainly wasn't going to be this nice happy walk all over me Tris any more it was time for me to change and I would just after I have finished the cry I didn't even realise I was having till I had my head buried in shadow and four walked IN. With is stupid question "are you okay? "

And well after the morning g I gave had I gave him this Response "i'm just so good right now as you can see here I'm crying in bed with a dog who doesn't even belong to me but what would you care? after all you feel the need to remind me how ugly and how i will never have friends every chance you get" with this he leave the room and well I decided I gave had enough of sitting in bed and head to the closet of my room getting out a tight fitting red dress with black heeled stuffed boots and my back leather jacket before heading in it my own bathroom and taking a shower that shows how big the what looks to be a mix between black purple and green bruise is on my side but I just take two painkillers and hop in the shower for a good ten to fifteen minutes before getting out and slipping my dress on and ceiling the ends if my hair adding light makeup to my face and putting in my blue contact lenses.

After this I lock my door and climb out of the window landing with a groan of pain before walking to Peter's house knowing he was always hosting a party so I was going g to go and have a good time.

It took me a little while to get there as I was walking but I fit there fashionably late and walked in the music blasting through the house and halfway up the street for everyone to hear, you could see already drunk teenagers drunk dancing all over the house and some even throwing up on the front lawn.

I make my way through the crowd towards the kitchen occasionally stopping to talk to someone who recognizes me as six fold they do. know who I really am and make it to the kitchen with little to no trouble and of course there is four at King face with Lauren right In front of where I want to be get a drink so I clear my throat obnoxiously making them part and Lauren goes to say something before realizing that Marie she shouldn't and I'm not sure if gay because she recognizes me for me or me as six so i just grab my drink and leave going to the makeshift dance floor and dancing my ass off till Peter comes over and tries to touch me and of course me and Peter have a history mainly him getting drunk and calling me and we may have dated who. I was just plain old Tris but now it's was so much more complicated than that.

I was six and should have to be scared he wasn't gonna tell me who I could and couldn't talk to and what i could at couldn't do but the way he touched me was enough to make all the bad memories coming back to life again and well from there he grabs my arm dragging me off the dance floor and I would have put up a fight if I wasn't so damaged by my father.

Four's POV

I was stood in the kitchen with uran and Zeke when Lauren walked in giving me a wink as she learned in the opposite counter while I finished talking uran And Zeke witch wasn't like her at All but I ignored that before boxing the both good bye as the hard dick aired they were gonna go find some better company in the grill round here.

It doesn't take long for Lauren to come over and start to kiss me and if I'm honest I don't know how long we were there till someone cleared their throat at us clearly wanting the drinks table. It wasn't took I looked and saw it was six that we both moved out I'd the way everyone know not to Mesa with her she could be pretty tough when needed and well I just wasn't in the mood tonight.

After that Lauren left telling me I was no fun and it come and find her later if I wanted to know the delay meaning of fun is I just stood looking at six move in the dance floor occasionally casting my eyes around to see if I could spot anyone else I knew like uran and Zeke.

That's when I saw Peter and six? Why was she going with him as far as I knew he wasn't one for cars or racing but then again aoz was probably one of the sexist girls going and the mystery helped as well. It was also at that point I noticed how stuff and on edge her body language was but she wasn't firing back so I followed then discretely of course.

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