The Great Snowball Fight

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"Come on. Come on we're going to be late." Jennie said grabbing my hand. As we walked we'd laugh every now and then.

Everytime I laughed I'd press my forehead on her shoulder. She was going to just go to class since the bell rang but I pulled her in the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" She asked me. I motioned to my body.

"I'm soaked!" I said as her eyes scanned my body tentively. It made me feel selfconsious.

"What are we going to do?" I asked.

"Why do you where shorts when it's this cold?" She asked me.

"My legs are my best feature." I explained simply. I  usually wore shorts and skirt. Black ones with my famous black leather jacket. Wore it everyday. My dad gave it to me. The cold didn't really bother me at this point but it was a whole nother story if you get thrown in snow.

"What am I going to do?!" I asked shaking her. She smacked my hands off of her. I was starting to get really cold now.

I was shivering hard and everything.

"That's not my problem." She said about to walk out the door

"Please?" I asked. She seemed to go crazy every time I used manners so I figured it I'd try again.

She sighed and turned around.

"Okay. Take this." She took off her pink sweat shirt and held it out to me. The famous pink sweat shirt. It looked so soft. And I was cold. But it totally wasn't my style.

"I'm not wearing that. It's stupid. it's pink." I said turning my nose up at the offer. Jennie rolled her eyes. She put the jacket on me herself.

I pouted as I looked down at it. Then looked up at her. She was starring at me.

"It looks awful doesn't it?" I asked her automatically assuming the worst.

"N-no it looks fine. You look very...umm...very nice." She said sounding a lot different from usual. I looked at her confused.

"Umm... I'm going to go find you something to wear. I think I have extra clothes in my locker." She said before leaving.

I waited for a while to make sure that she was really gone. Then I stood up to look at myself in the mirror.

This jacket is pretty. I never thought I could actually like something like this. But I do.

"It's so soft too." I said as I felt it. I also decided to smell it.

"It smells like Jennie." I said smiling.

"Wait what the fuck am I saying. I wish I could throw up words." I said. I was getting ready to take it off. But I didn't really want to.

"Okay I'm back!" Jennie said coming in suddenly. She scarred the crap out of me.

"Sorry for scarring you babe. Anyways here is this. It's sweat pants and a school shirt. You can even keep my jacket to keep you warm." She said giving me the clothes.

I thanked her shyly and went to put the clothes on.

"You should wear proper clothing. It's the winter. Dress like it's the freaking winter." She said talking to herself as I changed. I finished and walked out. I probably look like a peaice of shit.

"I look freaking awful now. Thanks a bunch." I said straightening out my clothing. I looked up and her and her mouth was in the shape of an o. I automatically assumed the worst.

"Forget it I'll just be wet." I said.

"No no no no no no." Jennie said going in front of me. I tried to push past her. She wrapped her arms around me and carried me away from the stall.

"No you look adorable don't change. You can even keep my sweatshirt for forever if you want." She said putting me down and facing me. I stood awkwardly as well as blushed.

"You're cute when you blush too." She said. I was embarrassed to be embarrassed and I was only getting more embarrassed.

"Let me see something." She said she took the glasses off of her face and put them on mines.

"You look beautiful. Will you keep them on for me?" She asked I nodded first. Absolutely speechless that I was getting compliments from Jennie. Then I realized that I was doing it again.

I was acting like a fragile little girl or something. I wasn't. I was a big girl now.

"No of course not. I already have to keep on these freaking clothes." I said giving them back to her.

"Well I can take my jacket too then."

"Take it." I said shoving it into her hands. She frowned at me but left anyways.

Almost like magic someone came in after her.

"Woah! Hello friend. Ya know you came at the perfect time. I was just starting to feel weak. So I'm so happy you came to see me."


"Ready for some fun?" I asked her smiling mischeviously.


Well that was fun. Ya know your girl had to ruin in it!  See ya next chapter

Heated •/Jenrene/•Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum