Chapter 5 - Allu-chan

Start from the beginning

Switching POVs, try keeping up!

Silva "Killua, Minako, what do I owe the pleasure?"I smiled, looking down at the children that just entered.
Minako "Cut the chase Silva, you know why we are here"I said, not meeting his gaze for a split second.
Silva "Oh, I see, you changed your mind and did your part of the deal so you want me to do mine"I chuckled darkly.
Killua 'Deal?What deal?We are here to take Alluka and run, she never mentioned this!' I mentally freaked out, having no idea what he was talking about.
Minako "Hell no!I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I betrayed someone like that!No, we are here for another reason"I raged, one of my eyes growing a bit red.
Silva "Well?Will you tell me what this reason is or not?"I said before she kicked Killua lightly, effectively snapping him out of his thoughts.
Killua "Yes. We are here to talk to her"I explained.
Silva "Son, you know how dangerous it is"I warned, hoping my son would back down on his decision, but to my misfortune, there was no stopping him.
3rd After a while of staring each other down and silently planning, the father gave in, letting the 2 walk through a maze of corridors and a ton of doors before stopping in front of huge, indestructible looking ones.

Minako's POV

As the door opened, an incredibly strong light shone into our eyes.

Once the blindness went away, we walked in to see a girl not that much younger than us sitting on the carpet, playing with dolls and teddy bears. As we drew closer to the mysterious person in the bright looking room, a loud bang could be heard, signalizing the door was closed and causing the person to snap their dark blue gaze to us.

She was wearing a long dress and a headband that had faces in different moods drawn out on it. With us coming closer and closer, her facial expression didn't change a bit before we stopped, making her lips curl upwards as she stared at Killua.

"Oni-chan!"she cheered.
"Alluka"he said, causing the small smile she wore to grow twice in size as she jump hugged him, burrowing her face in the crook of his neck.

"I'm sorry that I didn't visit in a while, I really am"he apologized.
"Its okay, I'm very happy Oni-chan is here"she said, reminding me of the times Natsu used to come back from long missions. I looked at the reunited siblings with a sad smile, knowing I will never be able to do that again.

"Who is that, Oni-chan?"Alluka asked, snapping me out of my memories.
"Oh, tha-"I cut him off.
"I'm Minako, nice to meet you Allu-chan"I smiled.She looked at me, then at Killua and back at me.
"Are Oni-chan and Nee-chan married?"she asked innocently, making the both of us blush madly.

"We are together b-but we a-are not m-m-married"he stuttered, making her laugh. She walked towards me before taking both of my hands in hers.

"Will Nee-chan play with me?"she asked, her eyes glowing with hope.

"Of course I will!"I grinned, following in suit as she sat on the floor, giving me a teddy bear. We played and played with Killua standing of to the side, watching us with a warm smile.

"Oni-chan, come here!"she cheered, looking at her snow haired brother. He laughed, sitting down next to me.

"What now, Allu-chan?"he asked, looking at his sister who grew a devious smirk.
"Nee-chan, sit on Oni-chan's lap!"she requested.
"Well, you heard the lady"I looked at him before sitting on his lap, making him blush.
"Oni-chan, wrap your arms around Nee-chan!"she ordered and Killua did as told before putting his head in the crook of my neck, making me blush madly.

"Thought you were the touchy one"he chuckled, making me grow an irk mark.
"Well, I thought you were the one who tried prying me off when we were in public"I retorted, making him a tiny bit mad.
"We were 12 damn it"he argued back, unwrapping his arms and letting me turn around to face him.
"Yeah but you are the one who held me!"
"Really, cause if I remember correctly, you were the one who wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me!"
"You started it!"
"I started it?I started it?!You were the one who asked the question!"
"So what, you wanna say I started this?!"
"That's exactly what I was trying to say!"
"Well then, if I started this, I'll be the one to end it!"I yelled one final time before standing up.
"Fine by me!"he yelled, turning around.
I stomped, sitting a few meters away from Killua. We sat like that, backs to each other, neither of us saying a word. It was a dead silence as Alluka walked to me.

"Can I sit on Nee-chan's lap?"stopping, she questioned. I nodded, letting go of my knees that were pressed against my chest. She sat down, her back against my front.

"Will Nee-chan braid my hair?"she asked.
"Yes"I said, parting her hair into three sections as I felt Killua's eyes burning holes in my back. Ignoring the snow haired assassin, I braided the younger girl's dark hair.

"Why does Nee-chan not like when Oni-chan touches her?"she asked out of nowhere.

"It's not that I don't like it, its just that I'm embarrassed"I responded, struggling to tame the spiky hair.

"Why is Nee-chan embarrassed?Does Nee-chan not love Oni-chan?"at this I stopped. I didn't know how to answer it, I do love him, I just…

"Because I am not used to him being really touchy in public"I spoke, not understanding why she was asking me this all of a sudden.

"Does Nee-chan love Oni-chan?"
"Of course. If I didn't love him, I wouldn't be with him in the first place"I smiled.

"Then, why do Oni-chan and Nee-chan argue?"this was the first one I didn't get a chance to answer.

"Because spending every single moment with the same person makes anyone argue at least a little"my boyfriend spoke with a smile, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Isn't that right, Strawberry?"he smirked.
"Sure is, Snowy"I smirked back.
"Yay!Oni-chan and Nee-chan made up!"Alluka cheered from her spot on my lap, making us all laugh.

"Hey sis, do you know why we came here?"Killua asked, helping us off of the floor. The girl shook her head no, making me smirk again.

"*whisper* We are getting you out of here"I whispered as Killua picked her up.
"*whisper* Really?"her blue eyes shone with excitement.
"Yes now father, let us out"Killua said, looking directly at the camera on the wall.
"*spiker* No way am I letting it get out of this room"we heard Silva.
"Want me to do it?"I looked at the male making him nod.

Taking in a deep breath, I walked to the door with him on my tail.
"Ready?"I asked, letting my eyes switch to a demonic red.
"As ready as I will ever be. Meet you there"he said. I nodded, using an updated version of eternal frost and turning all the walls and doors in the house into ice. Coating my feet in fire, I easily kicked down the door, causing an alarm to go of.

"Now, now, now!"I yelled at Killua who automatically went into what I learned was called Godspeed and ran out.
"Fire"I whispered under my breath letting me run really fast. After running for about a minute, my speed started dropping, forcing me to transform further, my hair turning a deep shade of dark blue as I ran even faster if it were possible.

Not long after changing completely, I found myself on the street near the hotel. Letting my appearance go back to normal, I walked into the building and straight to the room Killua and I shared.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw Killua and Alluka sitting on the bed, waiting for my arrival.

"Minako!"Killua's eyes widened visibly as I started falling. Catching me, he looked down right into my brown orbs.
"We made it"Alluka smiled, dragging her brother and me in his arms into the room before closing the door.

Hey, hey, hey! I know I've been dead for a while, I'm sorry for it, but I hope you are enjoying reading this story as much as I am writing it! I have to warn you though, the end is not far away! The only thing I have left to say is that I'm sorry I probably won't be able to update for Valentines day so, Happy Valentines day to anyone and everyone who is single/taken/broken/with anime character and I wish you all love and whatnot. Anywho, hope you enjoyed and

You are the best,
Don't let others get you down,
Stay awesome,
Love you all,

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