Chapter 6 - It's Time

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Minako's POV

After the others came to our room, screamed at us for nearly getting killed and whatnot, Killua finally decided to tell us his plan.

"So, since Alluka can grant wishes, we can find this grandpa of yours. Sounds good?"he said as we all nodded before looking at Alluka.

"Nanika, can you take us to Usui Hattori, Minako and Wendy's grandfather?"Killua continued, looking at the black haired girl. We all watched in amazement and slight fright as she turned around slowly, her face as pale as snow, her eyes and creepy smile looking like black endless holes.

"'Kay"she said, getting up. We all followed closely behind, continuing on our journey to find the man that I hope has answers to my questions.

Several days later

We've been traveling for a few days now and I have to say, being on so many rides made me puke absolutely EVERYTHING I ate in weeks so Killua offered ( more like forced ) to carry me the part we had to walk.

"We're here"Alluka said, making me snap my head up to see an old house with signs such as 'stay away' and 'do NOT enter' all over the walls, wooden barricades preventing us from seeing the inside.

"Wow, real welcoming"Killua said sarcastically as Wendy knocked on the door.

"Whoever you are, go away!"a grumpy old voice shouted from the inside. Not giving up, my twin knocked again.

"Please hear us out!"Gon pleaded.

"Hit the road, kids!"he yelled again. Now annoyed, I jumped off of Killua's back before stomping to the door.

"Hey old man, I didn't come all this way, puking my insides from all the travelling to have you screaming at me to get lost!"I barked at the door.


"If you do not open this door, I swear that I, Hattori Minako will kick the door down, barge inside and squeeze the answers I want out of that grumpy mouth of yours!"I yelled louder and was about to do so before Wendy held me back, a sound of a key getting turned before a bright red eye peaked outside. Not a mere second later, the door closed again just to be slammed open, revealing an old tall man with grey hair, his right eye a blazing red and the left one a dull blue. He looked at me and my twin before coming closer.

"Minako, Wendy? Is that really you?"he asked, his eyes watering as Wendy let me go and we nodded wordlessly.

"Please come in, this kind of talk cannot be continued outside"he said, turning around.

"Um sir, can our friends come too?"Wendy asked politely and only then did he realize there were other people with us.

"Sure"he replied, eyeing all of them before his eyes narrowed in suspicion once they landed on the 2 Zoldycks. Nonetheless, he led us all inside the old house. As we walked through the endless corridors, I couldn't help but notice the fact that every room looked like it hasn't been used in over a thousand years as well as all the pictures on the walls.

"Long, long ago, there were 2 twin brothers, Akinari and Akinori Hattori"he said, stopping next to a wall that had a huge tree and pointing at 2 guys, one with red and the other one with dark blue hair.

"They were like yin and yang but there was one thing they both loved doing: killing. That is what made them rivals. They got married, had kids who had their kids and eventually forgot the other one existed until one day, Akinori's firstborn killed Akinari's firstborn. Without any hesitation, the redheaded twin gathered all of his children and attacked his younger brother. After weeks of raging war, the 2 brothers killed each other and the rest of their family separated into 2: the redheads and the blueheads. The 2 halves never spoke again until centuries later, they found out that all of their clan was dying"he continued.

"After a meeting of me and your other grandfather, we agreed on having our only still alive descendants get married and have kids. That brings us to you an- wait, where are your brothers?"he spoke, looking at me and my twin sister. We looked at each other and a tear formed in each of our eyes before we nodded and looked back at the man in front of us.

"They are both dead"we said at the same time, making him look pitifully at us as we both broke down crying.

"It's alright girls. So Minako, you said you have some questions for me?"he asked more than said as we all sat down and Wendy and I calmed down a bit.

"Yes. We know about the curse and I was wondering, why did I come back to life instead of having my soul replace Wendy's"I wiped my tears away, narrowing my eyes at his confused expression.

"Why would it do that?"he questioned.

"Because the demon twin's soul will, as the curse predicts, replace the human twin's soul once the demon dies and since I am Futago no Akuma, why didn't it happen when my heart stopped beating?"

"My dear, the cursed woman that your father Hirokazu killed was my wife, your grandmother, the one that gave birth to your mother. For this reason, they were both demons, which means-"

"That Wendy is a demon as well?!"Gon said, a little louder than he probably intended to.

"You're a quick thinker, aren't you? Yes, she, as well as all her siblings, is a demon"gramps finished, leaving us in complete silence.

"So, son of Silva and son of Gin, huh?"the old man wiggled his eyebrows, laughing at our reactions.

Wendy exploded in blush, Gon had sparkles in his eyes, Killua smiled in annoyance at the bare mention of his father and I sweat dropped, prepared to hold back the sapphire eyed boy if needed.

"You know Gin?!"Gon exclaimed excitedly, looking at the chuckling man.

"How wouldn't I know the name of the pro hunter that was after my head for how many now, 20 years?"he thought, tapping his chin.

"And when are you moving in?"he asked after yet another silence.

'EH?!' I could hear Natsu and Zentaro yell.

"What do you mean?"I questioned.

"Well we are family and I must admit that it's been very lonely since your grandmother left so, what do you say?"he smiled. We all looked at each other and wordlessly nodded.

"We're staying!"Wendy and I yelled, fist bumping the air. 

Eyo! I know it's been a while and I am sorry, but anyways, here you go, another chapter done! A small warning, there is only going to be one maybe 2 chapters left? Anyways, I wanna say thank you for sticking with me for this long annnd...

You are the best,
Don't let others get you down,
Stay awesome,
Love you all,

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