Undeniable || Cordial

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Beyoncé walked in hand in hand with Chase. She was happy that he came around, realized what he did and apologized to her, unlike him. She wondered why couldn't he do the same Chase did. Maybe she's wrong, not all men are the same. Maybe she finally found the man she's looking for. Maybe it's finally time to commit again. Michelle finally found her and immediately separated her from some she didn't know. Beyoncé mouthed a sorry and Chase smiled and decided to get some food instead.

"You found your way to the restroom?" Aaliyah asked her man as he took his seat and he nodded. "Yeah I got lost a little but I asked someone and showed my the way." He said and Aaliyah nodded, drinking her wine.

"You enjoying baby?" She asked and he placed his hand on her thigh. "Of course, I'm with you. Can't wait to get home and fuck the shit outta you."

Aaliyah bit her bottom lip and blushed, he pushed him a bit and giggled. "Stop."

"Good evening everyone! How are y'all doing tonight?" Everybody heard and so everyone looked at the center stage with a cheer. "So I guess everyone's having a good time huh? Now why don't we call the woman who started everything shall we?" Michelle smiled and everyone in the room cheered. Aaliyah cheered too but her man remained quiet but supportive as he drinks his wine. "Let's call the one and only, Beyoncé Knowles!"

Everyone cheered as the woman who started everything slowly walked on stage with a smile. She hugged Michelle and thanked her. "Oh wow. Thanks for everyone who came... I really don't know what to say, as a matter of fact, speaking publicly is not my forte but oh well." She chuckled and so did everyone. "Anyways, I would like to thank my family for supporting me, especially my daughter who keeps me inspired everyday. I love you BlueBlue!" She said and the crowd awwed as she looked at her daughter with Angie. Blue smiled and looked at her mother proud. "And uhm, I wanna thank my crew, my designers, and everyone who made and grew with the company. Y'all hard work paid off and y'all really did a great job." She smiled.

Aaliyah cheered and shouted, "You go girl!" It was definitely the alcohol talking, since Aaliyah is known to be quite quiet at some times. Beyoncé looked at her chuckling but soon faded when she saw who she was with. She couldn't believe her eyes. Her body froze and she couldn't talk. His presence still brought butterflies to her stomach and she didn't know why. Why does he has so much effect on her? The crowd started to whisper at each other on what might be going on to the their boss. Michelle touched her hand and her head immediately turned to her.

"You okay Bey?" Michelle asked her.


"You want to stop now?" Beyoncé couldn't talk and Michelle's touch made her come back to reality. She shook her head and continued.

"I uh... uhm, would like to thank y'all guys again for coming. I hope y'all had a good night! Thank you." She said and raised her glass of wine and drink it together with the crowd. She hurriedly left the stage after and went somewhere .

"You okay baby? You almost choke on your drink." Aaliyah chuckled as she placed her hand on his thigh, caressing it as she bites her lip.

He moved her hand away from his thigh. "Aaliyah not now." He said. Once he saw her, he almost did choke on his drink. He couldn't believe how beautiful she is right now. She'd grown so much.

"Come on baby. I thought you can't wait to get home and fuck the shit outta me." She smirked moving closer to her but he moved away and stood. "What the fuck, Jay?"

"I'm going to the restroom." With that he left. He lied and went away to look for her. It's been years and he didn't realized how much he missed her until he saw her. He looked around for her but there's no luck. Suddenly, someone bumped into his leg.

Undeniable || Beyoncé • Jay ZWhere stories live. Discover now