Republican Papers: Issue #1

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My name is Trevor, I am a Republican and on this blog I will be explaining and talking about Politics. This blog may offend some people as I will do my absolute best to speak my mind and not hold back on any of my opinions. I am not racist nor sexist and I do not believe that anyone is superior to anyone. And unlike other page I encourage feedback and arguments as well. Thank you and now I will start my blog.

I will start with the first amendment.

First Amendment

The first amendment states that all people who reside in America have the rights to speak freely, worship freely, petition, and peacefully assemble. This right literally obliterates any argument towards "hate speech." Disagreeing with this fact is absolutely insulting. The Founding Fathers had full intentions to allow the people to be able to speak their minds, whatever that may be, resulting in the former tyrannical British rule. They had had enough from being told what to do by a government that simply didn't care for them. So it is outstandingly unfair to ask our American citizens to watch what they say to simply protect someone's feelings. Not only is this outrageous, but people are often fired from there jobs and publicly humiliated by the media for making jokes, sometimes, that they didn't even make at work. People should and will have the right to be able to say or not say whatever they wish, whenever they wish. Sure, it is polite and common courtesy to watch your mouth around others and try not to offend them, but, people should not face consequences (legally) for what they say. They must and will face consequences in other aspects such as destroying relationships and causing people to hold you in the lowest respects. This is expected with speaking to people impolitely. Even so, legally the government has not right, or should have no right for they seem to have thrown the Bill of Rights in the trash along with National pride, to criminally charge or fine a person or group for speaking their mind. Through out this paper I believe to have made it clear as to how today's America is disrespecting the aforementioned Constitution and how if this right suppressing tyranny does not halt at great haste it will come as no surprise to me nor the Republican people that outrage may ensue and resentment may be bestowed upon the national government.

Thank you.


Trevor E.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2018 ⏰

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