Chapter 6: Cold Hands.

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First things first, I do not own anything. Nada. I want to get a little saucy with this chapter. No hardcore lemon, but some suitable lime. I hope you enjoy! Remember to leave comments and votes!


I ran around my room, waving a plastic sword around. "Arrgh!" I yelled at my my friend, as I pretended to stab him with my sword. "I'm going to make ye' walk the plank!"

"(Y/N), aren't you a little old to play pretend."

I look over at him, baffled,"No, now stop being a butthead Zach and play with me."

He sneered over at me, "I'm going to go do something important." He turned around and began walking away, "Pirates aren't real anyways."

Suddenly my little 10 year old legs were carrying me over to him. I pushed him down, while yelling, "Pirates are real! Take it back!"

"They aren't real!" He pushes me off of him.

"Yes they are! They are mighty fighters that go on adventures and find wonderful treasures! When I grow up, I'm going to go on an exciting adventure just like them!" I shake his shoulders. All of the sudden my cheek stings and i'm looking over to the opposite wall. Zach slapped me.

"You aren't a pirate, you're never going to do anything important in your life and adventures like that don't exist! Grow up (Y/N). Everyone else already has."

"I apologize for the long wait." a familiar voice interrupts my memory. I wake up in the small bed, immediately sitting up. "I did it! I'm back!" I squawked out loud. 

"The airship will soon arrive at its destination." The bean guy's voice finished. I got up flipping open my DreamMax, selecting the same outfit from yesterday, but clean. Packing up the rest of my stuff, including the blanket from the bed, I slipped on my backpack and headed to the lobby of the aircraft.

Once we were on top of the tower, I made sure to be cautious of where I stepped, knowing that I could slip through a trapdoor.

"What is this place?"

"There's nothing here."

"Ahem.." Green Bean interrupted, "Everyone, the exam's third phase will begin here, at the top of trick tower."

"Trick tower?" Someone questions.

"To pass this phase, you must reach the tower's base alive. The time limit is 72 hours. With that we will now begin the third phase." Bean concludes.

I begin walking around to try and get a head start. If I'm on my own for this portion, I'm going to need all the time I can get. I head away from Gon and the others, not wanting to interfere with their story. I need to get stronger on my own, and I won't achieve that by relying on my friends and their strength. 

I continue walking away when I unexpectedly slip through one of the doors. I land on my butt in the dark room. In front of me there is a stand with a watch on it and sign that reads, " The two of you must work together to reach your goal." 

"Two of us? But there is only one watch, meaning-"

"Meaning that we are going to have some fun.~" A seductive voice finishes my thought. I squeak, quickly turning around to see the sly clown, smirking down at me.

"O-oh hello Hisoka. Didn't see you standing there." I slip the watch on. The door behind me opens. Hisoka slithers closer to me, using one perfectly manicured finger, he lifts my chin, making me look directly at him.

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