Chapter Eight: The Witching Hour

Start from the beginning

I don't take my eyes off Chris, "No, not at all."

Glancing at Connie I notice she's staring at me. I wish I knew how much she remembered from her Aunt's house. Hopefully, not much. After a couple minutes of silence, she leans up.

"Chris has told me those girls are very evil people who can do strange things. I mean, I've seen it for myself," Connie hesitates a few seconds... "So... What exactly are you?"

"Great... Just great."

"I'm sorry, I don't understand."

"I may be young, but I'm not stupid. I saw everything that happened in the bedroom. You can do things too."

"I'm just trying to protect you Connie. Maybe you imagined something."

"Adam, those things killed her family and have tried to take her. Don't you think she deserves to know?" Chris asks.

Now it's my turn to give her the look.  "Let's just say that the three of us will keep you safe no matter what. Okay?"

She forces a smile, "Alright." She grabs a shot glass off the table and tosses it into the air several times playing catch. I guess she's board.

As I look down at the floor contemplating what I may have to do tonight, she throws it at me as hard as she can. 

"Connie no!" Chris shouts.

Before I realize it I've already stopped the glass a foot in front of me with my thoughts. Looking up I see Connie watching intently as it tumbles in place. Holding out my hand, I let it drop as Connie leans back with a smirk on her face.

"I knew I wasn't imagining things. You have powers too."

As I'm about to speak there's three slow knocks at the door and we all tense up.

Getting up quickly I hurry to the door. Remembering the dagger I reach out and it flies into my hand. With the knife firmly in my grasp I peek out the window.

"It's Amanda," I say relieved and quickly unlock and open the door.

"Adam don't!"  Turning I see Devan behind me.  Returning my attention back to my visitor I see she's changed.  Her skin and hair are white as snow, and her eyes... gone.

"I'm here to give you a message.  Give us the girl and live through the night... or die a senseless death." She pauses as the wind howls.

"So... What say you?  Adam..."

Her words sound like three different women speaking at the same time in three different pitches of voice.

Chris and Connie are on the couch as Connie screams.  What's left of Amanda smiles and reaches out her hand, "Come child, it's time for you to join us."

Quickly I stab the dagger into her chest, remove it, and nothing happens.

This thing looks down at it's wound, then raises it's head and laughs.

"Adam move!" Diving out of the way Devan throws out two blue streams of energy from his hands. They hit this thing and it explodes into nothing but dust.

Standing quickly, I close and bolt the door. Devan and I turn around to see Chris over connie lying in the floor passed out. "She won't wake up," Chris says.

I rush over to her as Devan checks the back door. "Let's get her upstairs into my bed.  She's been through a lot today," I say.

"Yeah, not to mention watching her dead zombie Aunt turn to ashes in an instant," Chris adds sarcastically.

*** 30 minuets later ***

Chris, Devan and I are downstairs in the living room having a drink.

"Well, what do you think? I'm sure she knows where we are now," I say.

"Not necessarily. Mara can send a messenger out like she did, but she was inside the circle when I destroyed her.  It's possible she doesn't."

"Another one of those thousand year old rules?"

He holds up his glass, "That's right my friend." and downs his drink.

Chris looks at us confused, "What rules?"

"Something he's making up as we go along."

Devan grins, "If we live through this, I'll show you the book."

I hold up my glass, "I look forward to it."

Devan stands up, "We need to get some rest. Chris, take the couch. Adam, find a spot somewhere close. I'll take first watch."

"Can't she just make a portal inside the house like she did before?" Chris asks.

"Not with the powder I've put around it. I know that will work at least."

"Another rule?" I ask.

Devan grins, "Trust me. Just concentrate on what you have to do."

*** 3:00 A.M. ***

Chris is sound asleep on the couch and I'm also snoring on the floor. Devan, our so called watchdog has sat down in my chair and fallen asleep himself.  The lack of rest and the whiskey it seems has taken it's toll.

The house is quite and still, except for someone easing down the hall. Silently, she moves into the living room and opens the door. Two teenagers wearing hoods walk in and stand looking at the three asleep.

Their eyes flash... and return black as night as they look at us.

"I think it's time to end this senseless struggle.  Don't you agree girls?" 

"Oh, without a doubt." The one on the right answers.

"I can't hardly wait." The one on the left says as her eyes turn black... Cassie smiles showing her jagged teeth.

"We'll then," Mara looks down at the dagger lying beside me and it flies off the floor into her waiting hand.  She stares at it for a moment as it glows slightly, then back to us.  "Let's end this, once and for all..."

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