Chapter Four: Leap of Faith

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Exiting out of the Captain's office I see everyone looking at me. "So what are you staring at?" I shout and they turn away. As I pass the interrogation room I glance inside as Chris catches up with me.

"Adam, slowdown a little," she says in a low voice.

"Chris, now's really not the time. I don't like getting chewed out for something I didn't do and had no way of stopping."  Reaching the elevator I hit the button.

"I know. I was in there with you, remember?"

The doors open and we step inside. "Yeah I know, and that makes it worse," I turn to her. "I got you in trouble too."

She grins, "Well, it's certainly not the first time now is it?"

I shake my head as a grin appears. "No, I guess it's not.  You seem to always know what to say."

She shrugs her shoulders, "Call it a skill I've learned since I've been working with you. Lord knows I've had enough practice."

The elevator doors open and we step out into the underground garage and I head toward my car.  "Chris, you need to go home and get some sleep. Tomorrow we can meet with the coroner.  Now that he has more victims to examine maybe he can find something."

"What about you?" I stop and turn to her. "Don't you think we need to talk about what's happening to you?"

Shaking my head I unlock my car. "There's nothing to talk about," Chris folds her arms and I get the look.  "Don't worry, I'm fine.  I'll see you tomorrow."

Closing the door I fire up my Challenger and burn rubber toward the exit as Chris shakes her head, turns and walks away.

Arriving home I go inside, lock the door and go directly to the kitchen cabinet.  There I find what I was looking for; a full bottle of whiskey.  Grabbing a glass I go into the living room, turn on a lamp, and pour myself a glass.

Looking for the TV remote I see it on the other end of the couch.  As I lean over reaching out for it the phone rings.  Grabbing it with my left hand from my hip I see who it is.  "Really?" Shaking my head, I answer. "Hello Chris."

"Did you make it home alright? You're not at a bar drinking are you?"

Looking down at my glass on the table in front of me I lie, kind of. "No I'm at home, and I haven't had a drop. I'm about to go to bed and so should you," I glance over I gasp. The remote I was reaching for is lying in my hand.

"Hey, what's wrong? Do I need to come over?" I can hear her concern so I recover quickly.

"There's nothing wrong. Will you please stop worrying."

"Alright Adam I'll leave you alone, but you do owe me an explanation. See you tomorrow." She hangs up.

I'm staring at the remote.  Before I answered the phone it was on the other end of the couch. 

"After all these years it's starting agin."

Turning the TV on I sling the remote and reach for my glass of whiskey.  As I do it slides across the table into my hand.


*** Savannah, Georgia... 9:00a.m. ***

I pull into the parking lot at the state coroner's office and park.  I've called Chris and she should be here any minute.  Picking up my coffee I take another sip.  I drank way to much last night, but after what happened, I deserved it. I think.

Chris knocks on my window and I jump spilling some of my coffee.  Opening my door I try to clean myself up.

"You're a little jumpy this morning."

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