Chapter #7: a thank you

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(Lillie walks into Serena's room and spots Serena still in her bed. Her Pokémon were out and putting things into their bags from 4 separate drawers Serena kept in her room, each labeled with their names.)
Lillie: Serena! Your still asleep? Wake up, your performance is soon!
(Lillie shook Serena awake. Serena was sweaty and red. Serena stands up.)
Serena: performance? Sylveon, use fairy wind!
(Serena collapses and Lillie catches her at the last second.)
Lillie: Serena! What's wrong?
(The Pokémon run up to their trainer. Lillie and sylveon lift Serena back into her bed. Lillie summons James and he takes Serena temperature.)
James: she has a very high fever, 105 degrees. I will call someone to grab some medicine from town. Keep her in bed with a cold rag in her forehead.
Lillie: ok, thanks James!
James: I will answer the door, miss Lillie. I suggest you grab that rag.
(James goes to answer the door and Lillie goes to get the rag. Pancham jumps onto Serena's bed and lays next to her.)
(James opens the door to a very excited ash.)
James: hello ash, first door on you left.
Ash: thanks James!
Pikachu: pika!
(Ash walks into serenas room to see her still in bed with Pancham curled up next to her. Lillie walks in with the towel.)
Lillie: oh, ash. Welcome back to our house.
Ash: hey Lillie. Why isn't Serena. Still in bed?
Lillie: she woke up with a high fever
(Ash had a look of shock on his face. Lillie places the cold towel on her forehead.)
Ash: what?! But she has to preform today!
Lillie: I know, but Serena is sick. I can't let her go preform. She has a 105 degree fever, ash!
Ash: 105?! How did that happen?!
Lillie: my best guess is from yesterday when snowy accidentally froze her yesterday.
(Serena was cooking in the kitchen when snowy walked in, following the smell of the poke puffs Serena was making. Serena turns around, not seeing snowy, and steps on her tail. Snowy shot out a powder snow by accident and froze Serena. Snowy ran to find Lillie in the courtyard.)
Snowy: vulpix vul, vul vulpix!
Lillie: what's that snowy??
Snowy: vulpix!
(Snowy ran inside and Lillie followed. She saw the frozen Serena and got extremely scared.)
Lillie: snowy what happened! Did you freeze her?!
Snowy: *guilty* vul...
Lillie: okay, don't freak out... what are we going to do?.... I know! Okay, snowy, I need you to get the hair dryer!
(Snowy grabs Serena, and Lillie's hair dryer and gave them to Lillie. Lillie put the dryers on full heat and finally end up unfreezing her. Lillie takes Serena back to bed with a tower of blankets and the heat cranked up. Serena changes into dry clothes and gets into the bed.)


Pikachu: PIKA!
Lillie: calm down ash! We got her unfrozen but he has a cold. Snowy still feels terrible about it. Snowy get her a basket of flowers.
Ash: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice... but what are we going to do! Serena preforms soon and she's sick in bed!
Lillie: I know... I would preform for her, but I don't know any of her moves... that and I'm way to shy
Ash: *thoughts* this night is so important to Serena... it's the performance for the judges to get her to preform in the theater every week day...
(Ash thought to all of Serenas performances and that time she dressed up as ash to battle for him.)
Ash: *mumbles* I can't believe I'm doing this...
Lillie: what? I didn't here you.
(Without anouther word, ash walked into Serena's room and grabbed her performance clothes and pulled a spare wig out of his bag. You never know when you might need to cross dress. ) ash walks out with a deep red dress and a red bow in his wig, Lighter red shoes and a big red bow on the back of the dress. Lillie looked at him in awe. Ash... was wearing Serena's performance clothes. She tried her best to keep her laughter, but it was hard. Serena's pokemon looked at ash with confused faces. Pikachu didn't even try to hold his laughter in, he was rolling on the ground from laughing so much.)
Ash: don't say a word... sylveon, can you teach me how to dance? I need your help to pull his off. I've been watching Serenas performances since the first one.
Sylveon: syl!
Ash: okay, thanks sylveon, we don't have much time. When we get there, we head to the back and work on the dance. Also, Lillie, don't tell them it's me. They will notice, but I would rather explain this to them...
Lillie: okay, let's go, James will take care of Serena. He already sent someone to get her the medicine.
(Ash, Lillie, and the Pokémon got into lillies limo and headed over to the theater. Once they got there they immediately saw everyone outside waiting.)
Ash: oh no, there already here!
Lillie: once we open the doors, you sprint to the back and work with sylveon, I will distract the others.
(They stop the car and ash runs to the back. The others go up to lillie to find out what happened.)
Mallow: what's wrong with Serena? She didn't even say alola?
Kiawe: did ash do something? He really is a dense person, I wouldn't be surprised if Ash said something and Serena took it a totally other way. Speaking of ash, where is he?
Lillie: *thoughts* okay, they bought that that was ash, now what?
Lillie: Serena's fine, just in sorta in a hurry, ash I also a bit tide up at the molment...
Kukui: really? I saw him leave the house this morning. He said he was going to come along with Serena.
Lillie: *sweat drops*yeah, um, at the last minute, ash decided to... get Serena flowers! He ran off to do that but said he would be back in time to see Serena preform.
Soficles: he better be here soon. Serena preforms in about 30 minutes...
Lillie: *thoughts* few, they bought it...
~time skip!~
(Ash was about to go on stage, he was a nervous reck.)
Ash: *thoughts* I hope I don't screw up... I don't want to mess this up for Serena. Okay, calm down ash, you've got this...
Backstage person: okay Serena, your up. Good luck out there!
Ash: thank- uh *female voice* thank you!
(Ash walks on stage and his friends immediately notice something's off about Serena.)
Mallow: guys, does Serena look, I don't know, different to you?
Lana: yeah, sorta. I wonder what going on?
Kukui: Her hairs so much longer...
Soficles: and where is ash?
(The others look around to see if they missed ash walking in. Kiawe looks at Serena again and notices familiar lightning bold shaped things on Serena's face.)
Kiawe: well, to answer both of your questions, that's not Serena on stage
Lana, mallow, Soficles, and kukui: WHAT?!
(Kiawe smirked and Lillie shifted uncomfortably in her seat.)
Kiawe: that's ash on stage, not Serena!
Mallow: Lillie, did you know this?
Lillie: I d-did, p-p-please don't be mad... a-a-ash will explain everything l-later.
(Ash puts of quite a performance with the others. His dancing wasn't the best, but not bad. He finished it off with the fairy wind trick and the fire flower. The judges were impressed.)
Judge 1: wow, Serena... that was quite amazing!
Judge 2: I've got to admit, it was amazing!
Judge 3: I belive we all know the right decision..
(The judges nod at each other.)
Judge 3: you've got the job, serena! Thursday's from 7-8.
Judge 1: congratulations Serena.
(Ash's face lit up with excitement the Pokémon tackled ash into a hug.)
Ash: *female voice* thank you SOO much!
~time skip!~
(Everyone was waiting outside the theater for ash. He finally came out, not wearing the dress and wig. He smiled sheepishly at the others and Kiawe just smirked.)
Kiawe: quite the performance, Serena!
Kukui: *chuckles* I'm impressed ash. Who knew you could preform!
Ash: *goes red* the thing is, I can't... I had to learn all of that in 30 minutes... Serena has a fever and is at home sick. I preformed as her because it means so much to her... not to mention, she also battled as me once when I was sick.
Mallow: soo, is this going to become a regular thing?
Ash: NO! I refuse to put on any more dresses!
Kiawe: so, you've cross dressed before?
(Ash goes red and they all head back to lillies. They walk into Serena's room and serena was running around the room in panic.)
Serena: oh, alola Ash! I need your help. I can't find my preforming clothes OR my Pokémon!
Ash: don't worry, here are you clothes, and her are your Pokémon.
(Ash hands Serena her dress and her Pokémon are standing right behind him. Pancham jumps onto Serena's arms.)
Serena: w-w-what? Why did you have my stuff?
Kiawe: *smirk* ash dressed as you and preformed so you wouldn't feel bad you missed the preformance.
Serena: you really did that for me?
Ash: *goes red* of course! This was super important to you, so it was super important to me! You got the job, by the way!
Serena: REALLY! Ash thank you! Your the best!
(Serena hugs ash and. Kisses him in the cheek. Ash goes pink and smiles like an idiot. Snowy walks up to Serena and hands her the basket of flowers with a guilty expression.)
Lillie: we think you got a fever from yesterday when snowy froze you... she's really sorry about what happened.
Snowy: vul...
Serena: oh snowy, it's okay! Next time I will watch out for any tails in the kitchen. Thank you for the beautiful flowers!
(Snowy smiles happily and rubs Serena's leg.)

An: hope you enjoyed this chapter! I got the idea from the episode where Serena dresses as ash and battles (but y'all probably already know that) see y'all later!

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