NEW PART! Chapter #1: bonnie and clemont

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(Authors note: this chapter will not include the other sun and moon characters... sorry! This chapter is just some backstory on why Serena is back to the islands. ENJOY!!)
(Serena walks right into the lumiose city gym.)
Clemont: hello and welcome to the lumiose city gy...
Serena: hey! It's been a while!
Clemont: Serena! it has! HEY BONNIE!
Bonnie: yes big brother? *gasps!*
(Bonnie runs up and hugs Serena)
Serena: Bonnie! Its so good to see you!
Bonnie: Serena! It's been so long since I've seen you! I'm so happy!
(They sat down and start to catch up)
Clemont: so I thought you were going to hoenn, what happened?
Serena: I got to hoenn and when I tried the Pokémon contests, I didn't enjoy them as much as I enjoyed the Pokémon performances. Don't get me wrong, I liked them, but in the contests, it was more focused on the Pokémon and the trainer assisted. In the performances, I got to do everything with my Pokémon! So instead I decided to travel to different places and preformed. Then when I got back, I studied with polarmo.
Bonnie: *sly face*so more importantly... have you been in touch with ash lately?
(Serena turns slightly red)
Serena: yeah, I met up with him in the alola region. After this I was gonna head over there to meet up with him again!
Clemont: oh how cool! Well tell him I said hi!
Bonnie: me too! I wish I could go with you! But I can't, I'm too young and I also have to stay here and make sure my brother finds a suitable girl that can take care of him! I can't look after him forever!
(Clemont turns red)
Clemont: BONNIE!
Bonnie: hey, I only speak the truth!
(Serena starts to laugh and Clemont picks bonnie up by his aipom arm)

(Authors note: Technically, this is chapter 2, but I wanted to put the whole backstory on one chapter!)

(After Serena leaves the lumiose city gym, she decided to go for walk because she had some spare time. She stops and decides it's time for delfoxes brushing)
Serena: wow! I forgot how amazing these forests were! Look at all these Pokémon! Remember traveling with ash and everyone!
Delfox: del!
(Insert flash back if I had one, Serena starts to cry)
Serena: aw delfox! So many things happened here! I met you! I met Bonnie and Clemont! I met up with ash after all those years!
(A GINORMOUS (probably about 5x the size of Serena) root pops up and starts to attack Serena)
Serena: okay delfox, use-
(Water shurikens come swinging in and cut off the top of the root, it then retries itself. Greninja appears infront of Serena and delfox)
Serena: g-greninja?!
Delfox: *shocked* DEL?!
(Greninja battles along side of Serena and delfox. Greninja falls.)
Serena: Greninja, hurry! You have to get up! The battles not over yet! You can't give up or stop trying till the very end!
(Greninja gets up and battles with more determination. They battle hard and eventually win against the HUGE root.
Serena: great job delfox! Return!
(Squishy and z #2 appear)
Serena: squishy! Your here too!
Squishy: (telepathy) yes, we were just about to finish the job when Greninja detected 1 last root, it led Greninja to you and we were a little late, it's hard to travel around by hopping. We finished the deep roots of a while ago and this was the last of the traces. Our job is done for now, we must go. I guess this is the parting of our was, Greninja. It was a pleasure battling with you. Goodbye.
(Squishy hope off with z #2. Serena approaches Greninja.)
Serena: it's been a while since I've seen you! You battled great Greninja! It's funny, I was actually about to go see ash right now, speaking Of which, my plane leaves soon.
(Greninja falls to both knees, then looks up at serena. She then says the following nervously,)
Serena: what's wrong? do you want to come with me?! *she said the last part happily*
(Greninja stands up and nods)
Serena: yeah! It will be fun! But first, let's go get your ticket.
(Authors note: hope you enjoyed! I am going to put the landing in the next chapter. I have lots of time so it will probably be out soon! BYEE!)

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